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Soothing sounds of strong ocean waves clash together as they dance towards the shore and gracefully draw back into sea. Beautiful glistening seashells lay in the sand minding their business as I lay next to them, the sun without holding anything back kisses my silky tanned skin that grows hotter with every ray of sunshine that ignites my my soul. I deeply inhale the cool breeze that playfully teases my dark brown wavy hair. It makes it's way from my hair to my broad shoulders, slides down my mini muffin waist and down my narrow hips and my long yet short muscular legs.

No two piece swimsuit for me right now, I've had one to many drinks that encouraged somewhat of a beer belly. I desperately take in the soothing cool breeze as it lowers my body's temperature ever so slightly for just a second or two, keeping my body from catching on fire. I love the aroma of sea water and tanning lotion that comes along with it, it is a very refreshing scent.

Not a thought in mind. Not a worry. Not a tear nor great feelings of a shattered heart. It's like nothing else exists, as if nothing degrading had ever happened to me. It's just the waves and I, and I can't ignore the group of chatting seagulls to my right that seem to have lots to say. Food is the topic of their conversation. They are so annoying, a smile creeps it's way onto my lips. Yes, they are annoying but I wouldn't have it any other way. At least they are not talking about me, I've had enough of all the gossip for a life time. They all assumed their stories about me were the truth but they knew nothing of me.

I open my eyes as I sit up facing such a stunning view. The sunset makes it's way in, clear sunny blue skies are now dressed in big and soft clouds. Pink and purple clouds, they take over as the navy blue ocean turns a mystical aqua green. Absolutely breath taking. The air a little cooler. At a distance boats appear, looks like it was a very satisfying day out in the deep sea. They slowly float towards the docks. I guess I should be heading out too but I'm not ready to go. I don't like leaving this place. Every time I have to leave, I feel like I'm going back.

I have no interest on looking back at what's happened to me, I've never really been one to look back at any mistakes or misfortunes that have taken place in my life but since we are getting to know one another, we can take a walk down memory lane together. I'll start from the beginning as we make our way to the pier, you can see the long row of lights illuminating the entire pier from here. It's about a mile or two up ahead.

You might think you already have an idea of how things went. I find assumptions about my life somewhat amusing.

Hang on to your assumptions, the truth is much more intriguing to say the least.

Ocean Waves and Orange ButterfliesМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя