Steve Rogers: Reunited

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It was the end. Every single avenger that was still alive was currently fighting thanos. It was chaos but they all had hope. Hope that they could beat him even if the odds were 1000 to 1.

Then thanos snapped, and they all thought it was over....but he didn't have the stones....Tony did.

When he snapped, Thanos and all of his men disappeared, which meant everyone else had reappeared.

Which means she reappeared. Y/n, the woman Steve loved more than life itself. The day she vanished from the snap was the day Steve lost it all. He was never the same man after that snap. And of course he blamed himself.


"Thor." Steve said as he emerged from the woods. He looked around and saw Thor's axe lying on the ground, but no Thanos. "Where is he?"

But he got no response. All he got was a look of guilt from Thor.

He went to go find vision, who was lying on the ground, dead. Moments later Nat, Rodey, Thor, and Banner were all surrounding him.

"What's going on?" Rodey asked.

Steve stared at the ground, rethinking all the events had just occurred, trying to put the pieces together. Then he finally did.

"Oh gosh." He stood to his feet and his breath became heavy. "Oh no."

"What? Steve what is it?" Nat asked.

"When was the last time you checked on y/n through the coms?"

Everyone soon held the same expression that Steve did and looked around at each other.

"R-right before the snap." Nat said.

"Try her again."

Nat hesitated a second before reaching up to her ear, pressing the button so she could speak.

"Y/n, are you there?"

No answer.


"Y/n? Please say something if you can hear me." Her voice cracked this  time. She knew she was gone. They all did.

"We have to go."

"Steve we can't just-"

"Yes we can. Everyone here is gone. There's nothing we can do. But I need to know if she's ok."

Everyone looked around. He was right. There was nothing else that could be done.

"Let's go."

*back in New York*

The second the quinjet hit the ground, Steve was on the run. He was going to her apartment. She was aware of what was going on, so she obeyed Steve's orders for her to stay inside. That's the only place she could be.

"Y/n!" Steve screamed as he burst through the door.

"Y/n are you here?!" He turned every corner, went in every room and opened every door....but she was no where to be found.

"No. No no no no no."

At this point he was just pacing looking through everything trying to find her, even though deep down he knew she was gone.

He went to her room to check one last time.

He was crying at this point. She was gone, Thanos took her.

He looked around her room, and a picture of the two of them on her nightstand caught his eye. He smiled sadly and picked the picture up.

When he did, a note fell from the back of the frame.

He opened it and read it.

"Dear Steve,
If you're reading this right now, I'm assuming it's because Thanos won, and I'm gone. I know you well enough to know that you're probably blaming yourself for this right now, but please don't. It's not always your fault when bad things happen. I don't know what happens after this, but I'm sure you and the other avengers will find a way to fix this. You guys always do. But until then, don't beat yourself up about this. Just know that I love you so so much.

-love, Y/n"

Steve folded the note and put it in his pocket. Now sobbing, he fell to his knees with the picture still in hand.

"I'm so sorry Y/n. I'm so sorry I couldn't stop him. But I'm gonna find a way to get you back. Whatever it takes. I love you."

*end flashback*

When everyone began leaving the battleground, Steve was the first to go. He went down the street, back to her apartment.

He ran up the stairs and to her door. He took a shaky breath then knocked.

A few seconds passed and he heard the turn of a lock then the doorknob turned. When the door opened, it revealed the woman he'd been waiting five long years to see.

She was even more beautiful than he'd remembered seeing her before.

All he could do was stare. His feet felt like they were in cement, as did hers. They both had tears streaming down their faces.

Y/n smiled and finally spoke.

"What Rogers, you just gonna stand there and look pretty or you gonna come kiss me?" She whispered.

In a split second, Steve was through the door with his hands on either side of her face and his lips on hers. Her hands roamed all over his body as she was reminded of him. He walked farther inside and shut the door behind him.

He then moved his hands from her face to her waist, pushing her up against the wall and she wrapped her arms around his neck, standing on her toes slightly to reach him.

They were both running out of air, and were forced to pull away, but they still remained just as close. Steve backed up slightly to get a good look at her. He placed his hand on her cheek and smiled with teary eyes.

"I've missed seeing that beautiful face of yours everyday."

Y/n tried to respond but no words came out. Just tears. She was so happy to finally have him back and to be back.

She pulled him back close to her and hugged him. He held her tightly to him, never wanting to let go again, afraid that if he did she would slip right through his fingers again.

"I love you Steve. I love you so much." she cried.

"I know, I love you too. So much more than you will ever know. I'm so sorry for all of this. You didn't deserve any of it. But all that matters is that I have you back now. And I'm never letting you go again. I promise."

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