Bucky Barnes: Say you won't let go

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(Based off of 'say you won't let go' by James Arthur)

Today was the day that marked Y/n and Bucky's 10 year anniversary since they got married. It was a big one. They had been married an entire decade.

Every year Bucky tried to make their anniversary better than the last. For their one year, he bought her a heart locket necklace with their initials engraved into it and a picture of the two of them on their first date on hthe inside.

Since the day he put that necklace around her neck, she's never taken it off. From that moment forward he basically made it his life goal to make sure every anniversary gift was more memorable than the last.

Recently, he started writing poetry and he knew how much she loved sentimental gifts so he figured that was the best bet for this year.

He didn't used to be good with words, but being with Y/n changed him for the better. She made him feel things no one else ever had and loved her more than he'd loved anyone before. He loved her more than words could explain, but he always tried to tell her as much as he could.

Y/n was currently at the grocery store buying things for dinner. She always cooked for him for their anniversary. But just like they say, the stomach is the way to a man's heart. That statement couldn't be more true for Bucky.

He decided to take this time to write Y/n's poem.

He sat down with a pen and paper and began writing.

He thought back to when him and Y/n first met.

I met you in the dark, you lit me up
You made me feel as though I was enough

He wrote.

Bucky met her when he was at his darkest moment in life. He had just escaped hydra and was trying to get used to life in general. He would constantly have nightmares and could barely even look people in the eyes, let alone talk to them.

But then he met her. For some reason things were different with her. He immediately felt comfortable around her. She never gave him weird looks like everyone else. She wasn't scared of him. She treated him like he was...normal.

Bucky looked across the crowded room at all of the formally dressed people Tony had invited over for a party. His eyes landed on the most beautiful girl in the room. Y/n.

She was the newest recruit to the team. She had lived there for a couple months now, however, despite all of the pep talks he'd given himself, he still couldn't work up the courage to talk to her. The only interaction he had with her was when Fury introduced the two of them to each other. And all of the glances they'd both take at each other throughout the day, if that counts.

"Hey Bucky." she said with the biggest smile on her face, shocking the man completely. She was talking to him.

"H- uh- hi" He stuttered with an amused smile.

"Wanna dance?" She said holding her hand out. She had clearly had one too many drinks by the way she was acting, but Bucky couldn't turn down a chance to dance with her. Especially with the way she was looking at him. He placed his hand in hers and she pulled him to the center of the room where everyone was dancing.

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