Steve Rogers: back from a mission

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It had been another long few days with Steve gone for a mission. He said he would only be gone about three days, and today was the third day so Y/n of course was very excited. All day she just kept thinking about him and getting to hug and kiss him again.

She had no idea what time he would be home, but she decided to still make him a plate of food for dinner. She sat and ate dinner alone and continually got up and checked the window to see if Steve was approaching, but he wasn't.

Eventually another hour had passed and she decided to wrap his food up and put it in the fridge for him instead. She pulled out a sticky note and a pen and wrote his name on it with a smiley face and a heart, then placed it on top of the food and closed the refrigerator door.

She headed upstairs to get ready for bed, but soon after she was done getting ready, she went back downstairs. She wanted to be there when Steve got home so she turned on the tv and relaxed on the couch and waited.

However she fell asleep without realizing it, and about an hour after she fell asleep, Steve arrived.

"Y/n, I'm home." He said as he entered the house with a smile. He didn't hear a response but he heard the tv so he went to the living room.

His smile grew when he saw Y/n laying on the couch, sleeping peacefully in his favorite shirt. Her lips were parted slightly and soft snores escaped her mouth. He kissed her on the head and went to the kitchen.

When he opened the fridge, he saw the food that she left for him. He heated it up and sat on the couch next to her to eat. After he finished his food, he gently picked Y/n up, careful not to wake her, and carried her up the stairs and to their room.

When he placed her on the bed she stirred a bit.

"Steve?" She mumbled with her eyes still closed.

"Yeah it's me darling."

She sent him a tired smile and groggily opened her eyes to be met with his also tired blue ones.

"Hi." She opened up her arms for him to hug her, which he gladly did.

"How was your mission?"

"It went pretty well."

"Well tell me about it. I wanna hear everything."

Steve began to tell her about the mission as he changed out of his uniform. However he paused in order to shower quickly.

When he came back, Y/n was asleep yet again and Steve just figured he'd tell her about it tomorrow.

He got under the covers and wrapped his arms around Y/n from behind, pulling her close to his chest.

"You didn't finish telling me about the mission." Y/n whispered.

"I know. How about we talk about it in the morning yea?"


She turned over so that her and Steve were both facing each other.

"I love you Steve." She mumbled softly before hiding her face in his chest, falling back asleep.

"I love you too. Goodnight. Steve kissed her on the head and drifted off to sleep with her.

Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now