Bucky Barnes: Comfort

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Y/n was down in the avengers training facility...even though it was 3 in the morning. She was at the punching bag just swinging. Punch after punch she hit harder and harder.

Bucky was up too because of his nightmares, and almost every night he too would go down to the gym and get his frustrations out. Normally he was alone but this time he walked in to see Y/n angrily punching the bag.

He could tell she was frustrated but he had no idea with what. But then again, no one would ever know anyways. Y/n was the type to hide her feelings and emotions away from others. If she was upset she would just pretend everything was fine even if it wasn't.

She was too good at it, but this time even Bucky knew something was up.

"Y/n." He called out. No response.

"Y/n." He said again. She punched the bag faster and harder.

Soon, blood began trickling down her hands and onto the floor below her.

"Hey. Y/n stop it. Stop you're gonna get yourself hurt." He said finally going over to her. He held her arms back so she could no longer punch the bag.

"Let me go Barnes! I'm fine." She tried to pull out of his grasp but he was too strong.

"No you are not. You're hurting yourself."

"It's just a little cut it's not that serious. Now let me go." She demanded once again.

Bucky released her from his grasp and looked at her. She looked like she hadn't gotten a good sleep in days, like she had too much on her mind to even sleep.

She was trying to wipe the blood off her knuckles with her towel, but the bleeding didn't stop.

"Do you want help-"

"No!" She shouted before he could finish his sentence. He could tell she was getting angry again so he decided not to say anything else. He just stood there.

"I don't need your help. I don't need your pity. I don't need your advice. I don't need anything from you, because I am perfectly fine!" She yelled throwing the towel onto the ground.

Bucky watched as she stared at the ground breathing heavily with her fists and jaw clenched tightly.

But after a few seconds, her breaths became ragged and she let out a soft sob. A few tears landed on the blood soaked towel that laid at her feet, while the rest flowed down her cheeks.

"Y/n-" he said taking a step towards her, only for her to back up again.

"No. Don't touch me." She said as she tried to control her emotions. She tried her best to stop the tears, but that only made it worse.

"You know, you don't have to be strong all the time. Sometimes it's ok to ask for help. There's nothing wrong with needing other people, Y/n."

She sobbed even harder at his words, not even trying to stop the tears anymore.

He slowly reached his arm out to her and she didn't move away, so he took this opportunity to pull her tightly into his chest for a hug.

He rubbed her back soothingly and rested his chin on her head. She clung onto him tightly, glad to finally have someone to hold.

All her life she was taught that emotions were weakness and that it was wrong to show them, so she was never really a very physically affectionate person. But being in Bucky's arms while she was crying was the most comforting thing she had ever experienced. She never wanted it to end.

He let her cry for a while without speaking. He had no idea what was wrong so he had no idea how to help. After a while he tried to pull out of the hug to look at her, but the second she felt him pulling away she held him tighter.

"No. Please." She mumbled into his shirt.

So he just stood there hugging her like he was before. He waited until she was ready and finally pulled away. He tried his best to wipe her tears away, but they continued to fall.

"Talk to me. What's going on?"

"I don't know Bucky. I just feel so overwhelmed and tired all the time. I don't know what to do I don't know who to talk to I just....I don't know." She whispered.

"I understand that feeling, believe me I do. But the only way it gets better is if you talk about it or surround yourself with other people. People who love you like all of us here. Like me."

"Thank you Bucky. Thank you for just always being there for me. I know I tend to push you away a lot but I really do appreciate and love you so much." She smiled.

"I know you do doll. Come here." He hugged her once again, kissing her on the head.

"Now come on. Let's get those knuckles cleaned up so you can go to bed. We got an early morning."

"Yeah running with Steve, how exciting." She said with a straight face. Bucky just laughed and the two of them headed to the medical wing of the tower.

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