Bucky Barnes: I am too

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*Bucky's POV*

I was sat on the couch in Stark tower, alone with nothing but my thoughts and my coffee. It was about 7am, no one was awake yet due to last nights late mission.

Then I heard footsteps coming down the stairs and making there way to the kitchen. I looked up to see Y/n. She had clearly only woken up moments before coming downstairs, but she was still just as beautiful as normal. She however, didn't see me. Her tiredness and and the fact that the living room was in an odd spot of the tower put me out of her view.

Her curls were in a puff at the top of her head and they sprung out from all directions. She wore a large shirt that went almost down to her knees, one I was certain wasn't hers, along with her glasses. She scratched her head as tired brown eyes scanned the pantry in search of her favorite cereal, lucky charms.

However her shoulders dropped with disappointment as she remembered she had finished off the last of it yesterday morning. Now she was in search for a new breakfast meal.

She searched through all the cabinets, growing more and more irritated until she reached the last one. At the very top of the cabinet was a box of pop tarts. Thor's pop tarts to be more specific. Was he going to kill her if she ate them? Probably. Was she going to eat them anyways? Yes.

She stood on her toes reaching as high as she could to try and get the pop tarts, but she wasn't quite tall enough to reach. There was a reason Thor put them on the very top row, and it was so no one could reach them.

"Why the heck does Tony need cabinets that are 20ft tall anyways?" She huffed angrily. Her hunger mixed with her early morning irritation was not exactly making her the happiest camper. I was about to get up and go help her when someone else entered the kitchen from the other side. Steve.

He went up behind Y/n and grabbed the pop tarts off the shelf with ease, handing them down to her.

"Good-morning, beautiful." Steve said, wrapping his arms around her waist from behind.

Almost instantly, a huge smile formed on her face, making her eyes light up.

"Good-morning Steve." She said as she leaned back against his chest and wrapped her arms over his.

"You sleep ok?"


"That's good." He leaned down and began to kiss along her neck and shoulders, making her giggle.

I felt myself smiling at the sound of her laughter. In my opinion, it was the most beautiful sound in the world.

For a moment, I looked down at the newspapers in front of me, realizing that this entire time all I'd been doing was staring like a creep.

I heard the whispering and laughing continue, but when I looked up again they were both now facing each other.

At first I noticed y/n, who couldn't have looked happier, then I saw Steve. Steve stared at her with such a longing look in his eyes. He couldn't take his eyes off her, but who would be able to?

She spoke to him and he hung onto every word that left her mouth. His smile grew with every word she said.

"Yeah and-"

"You're so beautiful, you know that?" He said cutting her off.

She smiled at him and put her hands on either side of his face.

"I love you Steve Rogers. Do you know that?"

"I may have assumed you did." He smirked.

"Shut up." She said as she pulled him down to her level for a kiss.

When they pulled away, Steve kissed her forehead and said "I love you" back before hugging her once again.

Steve would do anything for Y/n. He would die for her, he would even kill for her if it meant keeping her safe. He is in love with her.

And I am too.

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