Chapter 8: Perfect Collision.

Start from the beginning

I looked up at the gorgeous man in front of me. His tall frame was somewhat daunting. My eyes travelled from his adam's apple, his pink lips, up to his dark hazel eyes which were still glaring at me. His dim eyes reminded me of an angry Arabian knight in the middle of a war with a vicious intent to annihilate his enemy.

What is this dreadful aura? So Frightening!

Oh, wait! I was supposed to hand him his phone. My mouth opened slightly and my eyes started blinking profusely.

What is happening to my body?

It was as if I was awake in a dream, possibly a nightmare.

Am I experiencing sleep paralysis? Perhaps I'm in a reverie.

"Can I have my phone?" The deep tenor of his voice pulled me back to reality. It was rare that a man's look made me stare, but this man looked like an angel in a human form.

"Oh... I'm..I'm so sorry sir." I stuttered "Please have your phone" I spoke with all the politeness I had in me as I stretched my shaking hands passing the phone to him. He reached for it with that angry look still firmly plastered on his face, it was then my eyes met the red stain on his white jacket which was a result of the wine that spilled on him when I bumped into him.

Naturally, I rushed to wipe off the stain, with what? I don't know. I did that because I was scared and confused by the way he glared at me. His look was stern, making me uneasy as hell.

"Stop right there! I'll do it myself." There was a glint of arrogance in the way he spoke and the way those impassive eyes of his glared at me as if I were a piece of puke. It wasn't my fault that we bumped into each other. Being the nice me I offered to get rid of the stains as I instantly remember that there was toilet paper in my hand, the one I had collected from the bathroom earlier:

"Sir let me help you" I moved closer.

"Did you not hear me? I said I'll do it myself" My body went rigid at the sound of his thick thunderous voice. I felt a surge of embarrassment from the vibration of his voice. There was a great deal of pride in his tone.

Yes, I know I've been embarrassed before in front of my friends, my cousins, my sister, and my mum but never in front of a stranger. Of all the embarrassing moments in my life, this was at the top of the list. It was the king of them all. He was so cold, Ya Allah! He was cold.

"I'm sorry," I said in a soft tone, looking up at those dark impassive eyes once more. Our eyes locked and I blinked a couple of times before looking away.

"Oh it's fine" His tone was neutral. He walked past me, leaving me in humiliation. My self-esteem had dropped to its minimum. He killed my pride.

"Thomas" I heard him call out to probably one of the servants in the house. "Come clean up this mess" His voice echoed across the corridor. I could hear the pride in his tone, he was bossy and egoistic.

Toilet paper? Really?

How the hell would toilet paper get rid of a tough stain such as that?

What was I thinking?

I was already walking away but for some reason, I turned to look at poor Thomas, a bald man, probably in his late forties. He had red spots on his skin like an albino. He was dressed in a light blue long-sleeve shirt, well tucked into a pair of black trousers. The poor man was busy cleaning up the spilled wine with so much enthusiasm.


Finally, I got out of the hallway. I looked everywhere for Imran but he was nowhere to be seen. My eyes spotted Aliya from across the room. She was talking to an elderly woman. When her gaze met mine she beckoned me to come.

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