Twenty Nine

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He grabbed her arm as she moved to open the door, pulling her to him and making her lose her balance in the process. Her chest slamming into his stomach. Parker inhaled sharply as he held her to him, his palms squeezing her arms.

She went still for a few seconds before shrugging him off. Those few seconds he had held her was enough to mess with the minute amount of control he had at the moment. He had missed the way she felt against him. He wanted to pull her closer and bury his face in her hair as he inhaled her unique flowery scent. She took a few steps back, walking away from the door.

"What do you want? You obviously don't want to talk to me about this. I was violated Parker. Someone took advantage of me and I needed my best friend but you sent me away. It hurts that you knew I didn't do anything but still chose to put your self and your interests first. There's nothing you can say to me right now to make this better," she sobbed as she dropped to the floor. She gathered her hair in her hands and sprawled out on the floor.

Parker's heart broke at the sight of her in pain. He knelt beside her and pulled her into a tight hug. She pushed him and when he didn't budge, she began to hit his chest. He didn't let go, tightening his hold on her instead. It took a while but she relaxed and pulled him close as she buried her face in the front of his shirt. He rubbed her back as she sobbed, muttering quiet apologies in her hair. His hand that held onto her head trembled and there was nothing he could do to stop it.

In all the years they'd been friends, they had never gotten into a fight as big as this. His breath was coming out in loud choppy gasps. He knew this was probably the end for them. There was no way she would forgive him for what he did. Parker was unsure where to begin atoning from, however, he swore that he would.

"Ellie, please listen to me. You can hate me after this. But just listen ok?"

She didn't raise her head from his chest, but she'd stopped sobbing. Her fingers tightened on his shirt collar and he was finding it hard to breathe.

"I didn't tell you because you and I and so many other people are in danger. I had to make it look real, baby."

"I don't understand anything you're saying. If you'll keep being cryptic, then just let me go," she sniffed.

"It was Holland." He was barely breathing as he waited for her to respond.

She released his collar slowly and then pushed away from him. She picked up her phone from where she had dropped it on the floor beside her. Ellie wiped underneath her eyes, then straightened her dress before heading towards the door again. Parker watched her, confused about how she was taking it.

"Ellie, where are you going?"

She turned, pointing her index finger at his chest. "You want me to believe my best friend did this to me? I know you didn't like Holland, okay? You've said that so many times, but cooking this up to end our friendship? That's high school bullshit! It's terrible and very low, Parker Diego."

Parker grabbed her shoulders and gently pressed her into the wall as he rested his forehead on hers. She breathed heavily, the hot air blowing across his face. He wished he could kiss her and make everything better but he knew he'd fucked up so bad. It would take nothing short of a miracle to convince her.

"Just listen okay, let me start from the beginning. Please," he begged. She exhaled, then laid her hands on his chest to push him back. When he shifted, she made her way to the couch to sit. He watched her for a few seconds before she pointed to the chair she had occupied before.

"You have exactly five minutes. Tell me everything because if I leave like this, I'm not sure I'd ever forgive you," she snapped.

"Remember the day you guys went clubbing? I had Taylor follow--"

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