The March of the Exeggutor Squad

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It's hard work trying to become a Pokemon master, and our heroes haven't had much rest and relaxation, but now they're in luck. They've come to a town the same day the carnival has arrived. Brock of course noticed all the beautiful dancers and was drooling after them.

Brock: Look at all of those beautiful girls.

Misty: And check out all of the rides and shows.

Y/N: And look at all the food.

Ivysaur, Pikachu and Eevee were sniffing the air, smelling all the food around them. A grumbling sound could be heard coming from their stomachs and some drool started dripping out of their mouths.

Y/N: Alright, wanna go check the rides and other attractions?

Misty: Sure! 

Brock just kept starring the dancers.

Brock: I think I'll stay here for a bit.

Y/N: Okay. Come find us when you're done. 

Misty: See you later.

Y/N and Misty walked away with Ivysaur, Pikacu and Eevee following them. Soon, they are enjoying the rides, the food and the fun of the carnival. They are currently waiting on a line to a roller coaster when Misty realizes something that causes her to blush. 

Misty: (thinking) (This is nice. I don't remember the last time when Y/N and I got to hang out alone like this. It's like we're on a date. Wait!!! Date!?! No, no, no, no, no! We're just two friends, who like each other, spending time together at the carnival. Who am I kidding! That's exactly what a date sounds like! Well... Except for the one part. The part about liking each other like that. I do like him that way, but I'm not sure he likes me like that.)

Y/N: Come on Misty. It's our turn.

She was snapped out of her thoughts by Y/N. She then noticed that they were now in front of the line and it was their turn to get on the ride. So they got on the ride. They thought it was fun and after a few minutes the ride was over. They got off the cart and decided to get some ice cream. 

They found the ice cream shop and they both bought a triple scoop ice cream cones. Y/N also bought ice cream for Ivysaur, Pikachu and Eevee. 

Misty: That one was great, wasn't it? Which one do you want to go on next?

But before Y/N can answer, Brock's voice is heard. 

Brock: Hey guys!

They turn to Brock and greet him back. 

Y/N and Misty: Hey Brock!

Ivysaur: Ivysaur! (Hey Brock!)

Pikachu: Pikachu! (Hey Brock!)

Eevee: Eevee! (Hey Brock!)

Brock: So where to next?

Both Y/N and Misty shrug their shoulders. Y/N then notices a tent that reads, "Melvin, the Magician Magnificent".

Y/N: How about that?

He points at the tent. Brock and Misty turn to look where he was pointing at and see the tent. 

Misty: Magician?

Brock: It could be fun. 

So our heroes enter the tent to notice that besides them there are only few other people there. They pick their seats and sit down. Soon, the lights come on and start shining on a guy on the stage, who must be this Melvin.

Melvin: Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming. Allow me to introduce myself, I am Melvin, the Magician Magnificent! Please allow me to present my magical Pokemon, Exeggcute.

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