Electric Shock Showdown!

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After three weeks of being lost. Our heroes finally reach Vermilion City. The kids are delighted to find themselves at a sign indicating they have arrived at the said town. Y/N, Brock and Misty breath a sigh of relief as they see the sign. 

All three: Hip hip hooray! 

All three: Hip hip hooray!

All three: Hip hip hooray!

Misty: I can't wait to take a bubble bath!

Brock: I gotta hit the laundromat!

Y/N: I gotta get something to eat!

Bulbasaur: Bulbasaur! ( Me too!)

Bulbasaur yells out while lying on the ground with his stomach growling. Y/N's stomach starts growling too. He just laughs embarrassingly. Misty's and Brock's stomachs start growling too.

Misty: I guess we're all a little hungry. 

Brock: We haven't eaten anything decent in three days now.

Y/N: Then let's all head to the Pokemon Center, and grab a bite!

Our heroes soon arrive at the Pokemon Center. They enter the building and see a very familiar looking nurse waiting behind a counter. All four of our heroes look surprised to see her. 

Y/N: Nurse Joy, it's Bulbasaur. I think its hungry.

Nurse Joy: We'll fix Bulbasaur up.

She picks up Bulbasaur. She then notices the surprised faces of our heroes and explains.

Nurse Joy: I know why most of you are surprised, I look like all the other nurses, don't I? My first cousin works in Pewter City, and my second cousin works in Viridian City. I think I'm the prettiest one, don't you? (giggles)

Brock: Yeah.

They then hear the doors open and turn to see Chansey pushing a hospital bed where Ratata was lying unconscious with a kid, who most likely is Ratatas trainer, running beside them. 

Kid: Hurry! You'll be okay Ratata! Hurry!

They run past our heroes who are looking at the scene shocked and wondering what had happened to that Ratata. 

Brock: That Ratata's in rough shape. I wonder what happened.

Nurse Joy: Oh it's the 15th one brought in this month. 

Y/N: What?!

Nurse Joy: Yes. Follow me, to the recovery room.

Everyone follows Nurse Joy to the recovery room. When they enter the room they can't believe their eyes. The room is of other battered and injured Pokemon with their trainers sitting beside them. 

Brock: This is terrible.

Nurse Joy: They all lost to Lieutenant Surge, the Vermilion gym leader.

Y/N: Really!? Whoa! He must be a great trainer!

Misty then decided to tease Y/N a little.

Misty: So, Y/N, you scared already?

Y/N: No way!

Misty: Well, you talk big. But when you see how tough it is to get more badges, you turn chicken. Maybe you should just quit now.

Y/N: No way! I beat you and Brock, so I can beat this Surge!

Misty flicks Y/N's nose.

Y/N: Ow!

Misty: Why don't you try to prove how tough you are at the Vermilion gym.

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