(Y/n): by who?

Soldier: Magath sir

(Y/n): prepare my uniform I'll change on the train

With how far the war has gotten train travel along with titan travel have become the only two ways to keep things going

Soldier: understood sir

The soldier ran inside, while you started heading for the train station

Outside the gate of the military base you find Linda waiting for you, to keep up the lie Linda had dyed her hair red and cut it short to just under her shoulders

What really shocked you was she made her new persona Eldian

Linda: sir I shall be accompanying you

(Y/n): this isn't our normal journey we I'm going to war

Linda: I know but master it is my duty to stay by your side

(Y/n): I'm starting to think you might be a stalker

Linda: are you complaining about my company?

(Y/n): no alright fine you can come along just don't be shocked about what your going to see

Heading off you and Linda find the train station completely deserted except for a few Marleyan soldiers

Soldier: I have your uniform sir

(Y/n): why are there so many of you?

Soldier: we are your personal guard sir

(Y/n): I understand let us go we have our orders

Entering the train you take a seat in first class, which is normally reserved only for Marleyans

Linda got dragged off into the back as she was wearing a Eldian arm band not that she went Silently

The only passengers today was you and your personal guard along with Linda so the train got moving as soon as everyone was sat down

(Y/n): what is the time estimated for our arrival?

Soldier: 5 hours sir

(Y/n): what is your name?

Soldier: Jack sir, Jack windhell

(Y/n): I see, tell me Jack will you die for me?

Jack: of course sir

(Y/n): wrong answer

Jack: what!?

(Y/n): a soldier should only die for someone who'd do the same it must be equal

Jack: but that's against orders sir

(Y/n): who's orders do you follow?

Jack: yours sir

(Y/n): then why is it against orders?

The other soldiers began chuckling as Jack couldn't find a reply

You sent your gaze over each of them killing the laughter as easily as cutting off a candles flame

Lazing back you shut your eyes

(Y/n): tell me when you have a answer

Listening to the rattling of the train you drift off into sleep for the long ride

In a unknown amount of time later you awoke to the the train shacking and gun fire

Looking out the window you see cars driving with someone shooting the train

falling Hammer (Aot Male Reader Story)Where stories live. Discover now