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God, I knew he was so serious about what he said. And that I wouldn't be leaving if I let him have me. But fuck, I can't believe how much I want him.
I couldn't stay here forever, so I needed to have some self restraint. At least for Reid's sake.
There's something that possesses me when I'm near him. Like my body is pulled towards him automatically.
I step into the kitchen, grabbing myself a bowl of cereal while Reid sat on the couch with some tea. I felt bad about what happened, I had teased and egged him on this morning and made it so much harder for him.
I sat on the other end on the couch, resting my feet in his lap. His hand began to run up and down my leg, silently comforting me.
"We can get going whenever you're finished. I put your clean clothes on the counter so you have something to wear." He tells me
I nod, trying to keep my eyes from watering.

I take my clothes to go change, realizing something is missing.
"Hey Reid, where'd my thong go?"
He looked back at me, trying to hide the smile on his face.
"You asked me what I wanted in return for my hospitality Bambi, remember?"
I couldn't help but laugh, shaking my head as I went back to change.
"Hey, I think I'm ready now" I tell him
"I think I more comfortable your shirts than my own clothes now" I laugh
He pulls me in for a kiss before grabbing a few things and shoving them into a bag. We go outside and get what Reid needs for my car before heading out.
"If your ankle starts to get sore at all you tell me. I'll carry you." He tells me
"It's like 7 miles from here, you're not carrying me."
He grabs my shoulder, looking down at me.
"You'll tell me or I'll just start carrying you now alright?"
He gets me to agree, and we start walking away from the cabin.
His legs are longer than mine and I have to try my best to keep up. He doesn't say a thing when I have to stop us for a water break every 10 minutes.
I remember how terrified I was last time I was going through this forest. So scared I ran head on into the massive man in front of me.
In a way I'm kind of glad I got lost that night because I found Reid, and one of the most interesting weekends of my life.

Reid's hand guides me behind my lower back, and my ankle is starting to hurt at we get to an uphill stretch. I must have not hidden my expression well enough because within a few seconds I'm lifted into his arms.
He starts to complain to me about not saying anything, and how I was going to hurt myself.
"You know, I haven't ever had anyone care about me so much before" I tell him
"You deserve someone who looks at you like you're their universe Mila."
I pull myself up to press my lips to his. I let every feeling I had built up out in that kiss, proving to him just how much I would miss him.
I finally let go, staring into his eyes while we stood there for a minute.
He shifted me in his arms, holding me against him with my legs and arms wrapped tightly around him.
He let out a sigh and continued walking.

After an hour or so I pointed out the trailhead where my car would be. Realizing I only had minutes left I just buried my head into his neck, enjoying the last moments.
"Fuck, Bambi" Reid speaks, stopping.
"Shit, I'm so sorry" he says quietly

I take my head from his warmth, gasping at what I'm seeing.
A massive pine tree had fallen over during the storm. The entire front of my car was absolutely demolished.
I held in a sob as I looked as the damage. I walked over to my car, opening the back door and grabbing my bag out. At least I could get to my phone and wallet now.
"Bambi you have to call the police and a tow truck up here"
I looked back at him,
"The police?"
"You've been gone for four days. There's people worrying for you."
I didn't even hit me that nobody knew where I was. I quickly called my sister and she picked up crying.
"M is that you? Please.."
She cried in relief when I explained everything, and that I was totally fine.
After I had talked to her, I had gotten the police and a tow truck on the way.
I was questioned for a bit on what happened and explained how Reid had saved me.
They told me insurance would have a car for me in a few days, and my boss told me to take off the rest of the week.
I turned to Reid, almost glad that I had an extra few days with him.
"Thank you officers for all your help" I told them
"Of course, we can give you a ride back to your apartment if you'd like?"
I shook my head no,
"That's alright, I'll just stay here till my car is ready" Reid, pulled me away and told the officers.
"She would love a ride back, thank you"
I smile faded,
Does he not want me around anymore?
"Bambi, you have people that are waiting for you. You have to go back. I'll always remember you baby"
The officer helped me in the car as tears started falling down my cheeks.
I looked back at Reid as the car drove away, until I couldn't see him anymore.

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