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I slowly wake up in the morning, hearing the rain hit softly against the window. I fight my body trying to wake up, snuggling deeper into the warm bed.
I hum in content, thankful for the much needed rest after last night. That's when the memories of the night come back to me. Of how sweet Reid was and how safe I felt with him. Somebody I didn't even know.
I notice how my pillow slowly rises and lowers under my head and my eyes shoot open. I'm met with the sight of Reid's hard chest under me, moving slightly with his breath.
I feel my heart rate go up as I find out that he stayed with me last night, my body curled up on top of his frame.
Oh god
My body is practically hooked on him, one of my legs hooked around his hips with my hands on his shoulders. My chest and face are pressed tightly against his bare upper body.
He looks quite comfortable too though.
One of his hands is around my back, still threaded in my hair while the other wraps around my waist before resting on my bare thigh.
My cheeks heat up at the intimate position, and I try and move away slightly but it's nearly impossible given how wrapped around each other we are.
I try and shimmy out of his hold but his arms only grip me tighter. He groans softly in his deep sleep, the hand on my thigh mindlessly dragging up to my bare waist. My eyes widen as I realized he's slipped his shirt I was wearing up with it, leaving my ass bare.
I try and wiggle away once more, but give up realizing it only makes him hold me closer.
While I'm stuck here, I take notice to how calm and gentle he looks sleeping. So relaxed opposed to his typical tense and intimidating presence.

I look up at him, studying every feature of his face. His strong jaw that seems to not be clenched for the first time I saw him. He has a nice amount of stubble, I typically don't like facial hair but for him I couldn't imagine him without it.
His lips are nice and full, and I fight the urge to run my finger over them to see how soft they are. He has a long, straight nose that fits the rest of his face. I let my fingers run over his cheekbone so softly, just enjoying how relaxed his face is while asleep.
I slowly traced his features, humming to myself as my finger softly glided over his face. I brushed my fingers into his scalp, feeling the soft locks of his hair.
He let out a low groan, stirring a bit before his hand squeezed my waist tightly. I let out a small yelp, my eyes going wide as his body immediately swung me over on my back. His face was deadly serious as he was on top of me, caging me in with his arms.
He looked over my face, his eyes softening as he let out a deep sigh.
My heart was pounding as he relaxed.
"I'm sorry to scare you, I didn't realize it was you on me" he says sincerely.
I nodded, feeling bad that I startled him awake like that.
He was still on top of me, and there was suddenly a thick tension in the air. I looked into his dark eyes, wondering what was going to happen next.
His eyes went downwards, looking over my body beneath him.
His eyes reached where he had slid my shirt up, exposing my bare hip. I swear I could hear him let out a low groan before he quickly tugged my shirt down.
He pushed himself off of me, getting out of the bed while I laid there speechless.
"I'll have breakfast ready in 10" was all he said before leaving me.

After a few minutes, I finally got out of bed and went to the bathroom. I took a quick shower, enjoying how the shampoo and soap had the same masculine smell as him.
I grabbed another one of his shirts, throwing it on before I went out to the kitchen.
The rain was still poring down and I was worried how much longer I would be here. I felt awful that I was interrupting his life like this.

Reid handed me some fruit while he cooked the eggs and bacon.
I still felt a bit awkward around him from this morning. It was so hard to get a read on him, he showed so little of what was going on in his head.

I wanted to break the tension so I spoke,
"When do you think the rain will end and we'll be able to go back to my car?"
He flipped the eggs without breaking a single yolk,
"Probably two days. But if the roads are closed off it could be even longer" he told me
My lips parted
2 days? At least?
I bit my lip, watching as he yet again made food for me.
"I'm so sorry Reid, it probably would have been easier for you to just leave me out there" I mumble to him.
He looks at me, almost glaring.
I sighed, feeling guilty.
"But you shouldn't be stuck with me. Especially me eating your food, using your shampoo, and taking your clothes. I'm basically a freeloader"
He plates the food, looking at me in my eyes.

"Fuck that. I like cooking for you, this is the first time in years I've been able to cook for someone. And I like when you shower here cause you come out smelling like me. And I love, fucking love seeing you wear my clothes ok? So don't say that bullshit again."
He pushes my plate to me, taking the seat next to mine. I sit there for a moment of silence before taking a bite of the food in front of me.

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