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The afternoon went by quickly, the rain had come to a drizzle and you could see the vibrant colors of the sunset.
I sat on the kitchen counter, once again watching as Reid cooked for us. I love how focused he got while he cooked, how everything was done with such precision.
"I think the rain will let up by tomorrow afternoon. I should be able to go fix your car then." He said
He wasn't meeting my eyes as I remembered I was going to be leaving. I had gotten so comfortable here, my life back in the city completely left my thoughts.
My lips formed a pout as I thought about not seeing Reid again. I was so used to being alone in my apartment that I never had someone to miss.
I would go back to my work and busy life, and have nobody at home to hold me close as I fell asleep.
"What's going on in that pretty head" Reid asks me.
He rests his hand on my thigh, and tilts my head so that I have to look at him.
"I won't see you anymore"
He rubs his thumb over my jaw as he tells me,
"Bambi, you'll have so many people and things waiting for you at home. You won't even remember me by next week."
I meet his eyes, confused why he would think he's so forgettable.
"There's nobody like you though. I'll miss you so much" I tell him. My eyes sting with forming tears as I think about not seeing him again.

"That's just cause you've been trapped here with me. I'm nothing special Bambi" he turns away, but I catch his arm.
"Would you forget about me in a week?"
He turns back to me looking at me as if I'm crazy.
"No, never."
I pull him back into me,
"Exactly. I would never forget you either"

We eat together, both coming to accept that I would be leaving tomorrow. We had only been together for a few days yet I couldn't believe how he occupied my mind constantly.
We sat by the fire, trying to just enjoy each other before we went to bed for the last time.
"Hey Reid, can I ask you something?"
I looked up at him,
"Why do you live out here?"
I see as he thinks through his response for a minute, trying to find the right words.
"My mother passed when I was 19. My father was in the military before he passed, and I decided to go on the same path." He paused for a moment, and I placed my hand on his chest, waiting for him to continue.
"Something bad happened to me there and I was honorably discharged. When I came back, being around new people and the sounds in the city where too overwhelming."
"So, I got a bit of land in my favorite place as a kid, and I worked on this cabin for about a year. I just needed to be away from everything"
Hearing him talk about something so personal, I couldn't believe what he must have gone through.

I wrapped my arms around him, holding him tight as he squeezed me back.
"Thank you" I whisper into him
He kisses me on the top of my head, lifting me up in his arms as he takes us to the bed.
He places me under the covers as he slides in next to me.
I look into his eyes for a minute, seeing so much emotion in them as he looks back at me.
Pulling me into him, he pushes his lips against mine. I will never get over how much he can make me feel from just a kiss. The ability to leave me breathless and without a thought.
He then places a kiss under my ear, pulling my body on top of his.
I snuggled deep into his chest, feeling his hands rake up and down my back as I fall deep asleep.

I wake up to see the sun finally shining this morning. I would typically adore the sunlight but I knew what it meant for me today.
I looked up to see Reid already glancing down at me.
He held me close to him as he placed a line of kisses up and down my arms that rested around his neck.
I sighed against him, wanting to just sink back into him and forget going home.
"No beauty, wake up" he rasps
I let out a whine and just burry my head in the crook of his neck.
That's when Reid bites my shoulder, making me shoot up.
"Hey!" I push him.
I instantly regret it when he flips us over and I'm caged in by his large body.
He dives down to claim my lips in a kiss. I hold on to the back of his neck, pulling him down to me further.
His tongue slips easily into my mouth, causing me to let out a whimper.
I felt like I needed so much more of him. I hooked my legs around his hips, pulling him into me more. I loved feeling him so close to me, touching me everywhere.
I raised my hips a bit, grinding myself into him slowly. He let out a deep groan, kissing me harder.
I felt myself getting wet and I started grinding into him deeper. Reid separates out lips letting out a deep groan.
"You have got to fucking stop that or I'll take you right now" he hisses
I brush up against him again, biting my lip.
"Please" I whimper
He whispers a string of curses, trying to collect himself.
"You don't want that" he says tightly
I drag my nails down his chest, teasing him more.
"I do" I tell him honestly
His hand grips behind my throat roughly and he pulls my face to his, just about to touch.
"I already am struggling to let you leave after I've had you pressed against me, tasting your sweet fucking lips. If get a taste of your pretty body, and what you feel like wrapped around my cock... I don't think anything could ever make me let you go"
He slips off of me, mumbling curses on the way out of the room.

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