VII. | July

23 8 0

No. 2

What brings you here, my dear heart?
You have been staying silent in there for months
How would you know that she's the one I'd desperately want?
I know that you've been hurt and that you've been crushed
But I would never want to break your trust

Then tell me why should I take a step?
Can't you see how far she is out of our reach?
It would've been better for us if we would've left
But we have stayed here, and you were never weak
Why couldn't you feel love? It's what you need

I want her next to me, my dear heart
But I keep on watching her from the distance
Completely mesmerized, because she's a work of art
Don't worry, she won't keep resisting herself
From ever noticing your existence

The way she runs her hands through her hair
As in the back, there's the sundown painting the sky
Creates a picture I would never in my life share
I'm not gonna lie, heart-warming July
You'll be loving her 'til the day you die

H.M. 2022. 06. 07.

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