XXX. | Do It All Again

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No. 4

At the age of sixteen, I was nervous
Desperately tryna touch the surface
It wasn't on purpose when I hurt us, but was it even worth it when all it did was concern us?
Can you tell me all the things that you have gained?
And if nothing's ever changed
Was it worth it at all?

For all these fake lives we've been living
Doing anything I am willing
You said you've forgiven me everything all the way from the beginning, but forgiving's not forgetting
Been taken forever until admitting
Through my fingers, you've been slipping
Why do I try to hold on?

But maybe I am just helpless
Maybe I was way too careless
I was naive and senseless, when I thought love was harmless and I didn't expect it to be endless
But why do I have this goddamn feeling
It won't matter, how I'll be bleeding
I'll do it all again?

H.M. 2022. 05. 23.

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