I. | My Consolation

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No. 1

Young man, who has a heart of gold
You don't know nothing of what you've been told
How could you let yourself become so cold?
For filthy pride, yourself is what you've sold

How come putting yourself first
Has become what coerced the final burst?
You may be thinking you must have been cursed
But yourself was what has brought out your worst

Young man, you have no soul at all
You've lost it while you were going through that fall
You can't be loving by your own damn fault
You broke her trust but she'd broken your whole

Can you remember that cyclone?
I know how it shattered you bone to bone
Why are you still waiting for it to blow,
Away all the things that make you feel alone?

I understand why you're so plain
Heartbreaks are not what you have to explain
Sequential mistakes what they all contain
Holding you down with chains made of your pain

But young man, who has a heart of gold
Don't you ever worry, it won't last long
Because the love about you have been told
Will find you in months and you'll feel consoled

H.M. 2022. 05. 30.

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