Chapter 1- Give It To Me.

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•Ethan's POV•

I woke up by the annoying sound of my stupid alarm, why the fuck does school have to be so early... I growled in annoyance while my legs slowly moved over to the edge of my bed. Since my mirror was directly across from my bed, I get to see how shit I look right when I wake up and right now, I look terrible. My hairs a mess, I look tired as hell and my boxers are halfway up my ass.

Thank god for my speedy skills of dressing and making myself look decent, I would have been late if I took any longer. Just as I swung my bag on my shoulder and ran down the stairs, a knock sounded on the door, "Ethan, open the fucking door!" My best friend, Sasha who is the most annoying fucker on this earth was banging on my door like a massive bitch. Yes I'm bipolar, deal with it. "Okay, okay, don't get your granny pants in a bunch." I chuckled before opening the front door, Sasha coming into view with her bright smile on show. Sasha was really hot and I'd fuck her if I was straight, but she knows I'm gay, it's all good.

The two of us slowly made our way to school, meeting Rory at the gates, "Hey what's up?" I asked like I usually did, always being given a shrug in reply. I smiled as we all left for our first class, history... How boring. "Hey did you hear, we are going to be getting a new art teacher today, oh and apparently he's hot!" Sasha's squeal broke my thoughts and I raised an eyebrow, "What happened to Miss Preston?" I asked curiously, "Oh apparently she was in a car crash." Rory cut in with a shrug, not seeming to care very much.

I think we have art next actually... I'm not quite sure. But right now all I know is that I'm stuck in the most boring lesson on earth. My teacher is just rambling on about some Roman shit that I don't want to know or care about. I wonder if he actually is hot... I mean, I like guys, but would it be bad to like a teacher? I guess it depends on how old they are really.

My teacher snapped me from my thoughts suddenly and I groaned internally, "Ethan, would you like to explain to us what the Romans wore?" She asked, being a little bitch because she knew I was zoned out. I rolled my eyes, "No, I wouldn't like to explain that to you." I growled and muttered 'bitch' under my breath, causing everyone around me to chuckle and giggle quietly. "Ethan Hayes, get out of my class right now." She raised her voice because she had the tiniest patience in temper ever. "Thank the lord!" I dramatically stood up from my chair, raising my clasped hands in the air and smiling before I grabbed my bag and walked out of the classroom, thankfully away from that bitch.

So basically I just had to wonder around this shitty school for 45 minutes until art... and all I can think about is what the new teacher would be like.

•Thank you, I decided to write this book because why not c: Ethan on the side, my little sexy boy /)-(\•

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