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^corn dog^
I dont ship the real people this is just for fun! I respect their irl relationships.
Season 7
TW:SH, Suicidal thoughts, Food, Grumbo, ED, Throwing up, Cutting.
4360 Words
Xisuma POV

<XXX starved to death>

I see this message a lot.

Early game.

Rarely do I see this message 2 weeks in, without a name.

<Xisuma: Does anyone have an idea on who that was?>
<ZombieCleo: No! Are they okay?>
<GoodTimesWithScar: We should check up on them. Can you find out who it is X?>
<Xisuma: I'll try.>

I got to work on trying to find who it was. While I searched the codes of every single hermit I came across something. It was lines in the code. It wasn't on anyone specifically it was just on the loading screen whenever I clicked on something related to situation of the mystery hermit.

Still i had no hints after going through everyone so i researched the lines.

What I found out was one of the last things I would want coming up.

A hermit is intentionally hurting themself.

"Hey Xisuma?"

I quickly got off of the search and turned around to see who it was.

Scar. I saw Scar standing there in the doorway.

"Hey Scar! What's up?"

"I thought you might be stressed out from the mystery hermit thing so i brought you some crystals!"

"Thank you Scar. Your so kind what can I do to repay you?"

"Nothing! Just make sure you spend time taking care of yourself."

"Okay Scar, can I ask you a question?"

"Sure X!"

"Can you tell the hermits we are having a meeting tomorrow? 10:00 in the morning, Shopping district. Tell them it's important and we need everyone there."

"Uhhh, okay sounds good I'll put it in chat and i'll be there tomorrow."

"Thanks Scar."

He left heading back to his base. I checked my communicator to see if he had put it in chat yet, also so i could confirm. I asked him to put it in chat because my hands hurt from looking through the codes and researching the lines.

<GoodTimesWithScar: Hey guys! X wants to have a meeting in the shopping district tomorrow at 10 in the morning. He said it's super important, everyone should be there.>

<Xisuma: Yep I said that, thanks Scar.>

<GoodTimeWithScar: Yep!>

I decided to listen to Scar and take some time for myself. I laid down on my bed and started to think of how I should do the meeting tomorrow.

I think I'll just break the news then discuss each one of the hermits with everyone one at a time. Of course I'll have the hermit we are discussing leave. If they want to discuss me they can but it would just save us time if we skip me.

Grian POV

I woke up around 2am, I must've taken a nap after I starved to death. Gosh dying takes a lot out of you.

First thing I did was open chat. I wanted to see if my coding worked. I coded it so if did something in my communicator within 5 second of dying my name wouldn't pop up in my death message.

Spoiler alert, it worked.

I also saw that X called a meeting for... In 8 hours. I decided to go back to sleep for a few more hours so I didn't look sleepy during the meeting.

Grian OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now