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𝐘/𝐧'𝐬 𝐩𝗼𝐯
"So your demon do-" "Demidog" I corrected "almost killed my sister" "aka my girlfriend" Lucas and Steve said, all of us standing on the train tracks, along with Max and Dustin.

"Dustin you're hopeless" I said, holding onto my bat that was wrapped in barbed wire, curtesy of Steve who had a similar one.

"Uh are you guys done arguing about you're most likely fake demidog?" Max asked, making me turn to her, knowing I was still on edge from nearly becoming a chew toy.

"Max, you know how I am by now right?" I asked and she nodded.

"So you know I don't bullshit right?" I asked again, getting the same nod in response.

"Well to make it short, please keep an open mind before one of these monsters eat it" I said, walking off to set up the "fortress" or whatever Dustin talked about.

"*whisper* that was so hot" "*whisper* I know, she's my girlfriend by the way" I heard Dustin and Steve whisper.

"I hope y'all don't plan on gawking at me all day, come on let's get this going" I said, everyone coming around to help get things started.

This was a lot of work and luckily me being the designated "mom" of these kids, I had a bag full of water bottles, one of my many great ideas.

"Wait so we're just gonna wait in here?" Max asked "yeah pretty much" Dustin answered as the sun went down, Lucas being our look out.

"*sigh* this is taking forever" I said, my head rested on Steve's lap.

"It really is, ay Lucas, see anything?" Steve asked, "not yet" "*sigh*".

After Max went up to have a little moment with my brother that me and Steve could clearly hear, and my boyfriend playing with my braids, we had all gotten up, hearing a weird roar.

"TEN OCLOCK" Lucas yelled, all of us seeing Dart who wouldn't eat the meat we laid out for him.

"..it's sick of cow" me and Steve said, the both of us getting up and grabbing our bats.

"Wait" "what?" I asked, Steve not letting me pass him.

"You sure you wanna go out there? I can ha-" "Steve I'll be fine, can't leave the heroics to you" I said, the boy rolling his eyes with a slight smile on his face as he tossed Dustin his lighter.

Now me and Steve were back to back, bats ready in hand.

"Come on Dart" "dinner time" we say, my entire body shaking a bit, my palms also sweating as I tightened my grip.

Now Dart was slowly coming over but there was another Demidog, launching itself at me, my bat quickly hitting it as we ran back to the bus.

"HURRY UP" the kids yelled as me and Steve jumped back in, a barbed wire from my bat cutting my arm a bit.

"Oh shit, those things are scary as fuck" I said, out of breath, quickly stopping it as we heard one of the demidog's jump onto the roof of the bus, walking right up to the opening.

We were all prepared for whatever was going to happen, but instead it stopped, as if there was a return signal going off, the monster running off.

"...the fuck was that?" Steve asked, all of us shrugging in sync.

Now we were off the bus, the kids still shooken up, the same for me.

"Did y'all scare them off or something?" Max asked "no, something was calling them back" I said.

Now currently Lucas and Dustin were arguing but there was a weird sound going on.

"Uh what's going on?" I asked, all of us running up a hill.

"It's the lab, their going back home" says Lucas, all of us now heading that direction.

"No offense but...I'm to black for this" I say as we walked through the woods, Steve holding my hand.

"Yeah I'm starting to think that to" Lucas added as we started to see people up front.

"Who's there?!" "Johnathan?" I asked, also seeing Nancy there.

So now apparently the two were looking for Mike and Will but the labs power is off, all the entrances being locked.

"Oh well guess it's back on" I pointed out, the lights turning back on, Dustin and Johnathan trying to get the doors back open, somehow succeeding after pressing the damn button fifty times.

"Wait..you two are really dating?" Nancy asked since me and Steve were still holding hands.

"Um yeah, also is that hopper?" I asked, seeing the man running over with Will in his hands, Joyce and Mike also with him.

'This is the craziest night of my entire life'

𝐈𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐚𝐥𝐥
𝐖𝗼𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝗼𝐮𝐧𝐭: 789

𝐒𝐮𝐩𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤- 𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐭𝐨𝐧 𝐱 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐘/𝐧Where stories live. Discover now