We went to the bed and he cupped my face kissing me as if my lips were water he hadn't drank in 100 days. One of his hands slipped down to the edge of my shirt. He pulled away for a second to look from my shirt back to me. I am pretty sure that was a gesture to take it off, so I quickly slipped it off with his help. Without even asking I start to take his shirt off and he followed with what I wanted. Josh's band tee was tossed to the floor leaving him in just grey sweatpants. He slowly laid me back supporting my upper back with one hand. And the other one trailed down my body along with his lips. They were warm which sent a spark up my body. He stopped at the rim of my pants and looked up at me waiting for my approval which I gave him. He helped me shimmy out of my undies and sweatpants. And went a little lower causing my back to slowly curve. I had to cover my mouth not wanting to get any noise complaints tonight.

That went on a little longer but didn't go any further.

I wasn't even ready for this but if it was any more I don't think I could've done it this early.

We went to sleep in the bed which was peaceful and comfortable with Josh there next to me.

I was abruptly woken up by my phone going off and a knocking at the door. It was my dad who was dropping off the cats. Shit, I forgot. Shit. Shit. I slowly slipped out from under Josh's arm. I stood up to realize I was only wearing a bra. I grabbed the first pair of shorts and shirt I saw and slipped them on as I ran to the door.

"Hi sorry I just woke up," I said mid-yawn.

"Oh sorry I mean I thought you are usually up at this time. Or just most people" My dad said looking at his watch. I turned my phone on to see it was already 1 o'clock.

"Nice shirt I love Fleet Foxes, super cool," He said pointing to the shirt I threw on.

Shit, this was the one Josh was wearing last night.

"Yeah, I love them too. Well, I'm going to take these little cats and go back to sleep. Bye-bye, thanks again. Love ya!" I said taking the pet carrier and bag and then closing the door. I let them out of the cage and gave them water and a few treats.

The pasta I was going to have for dinner was still uneaten and sitting on the counter. I cleaned up the kitchen throwing the old dinner out. Breakfast for today would be eggs, toast, and avocados. Just as the eggs finished cooking Josh walked out of the bedroom with Stevie in his arms petting her.

"Good morning," I said looking back.

"You stole my shirt" Josh joked.

"Promise I'll give it back before you leave," I explained turning back and putting toast in the toaster.

"No, keep it you look better in it than me," he said making my face turn pink.

"I liked last night"

"Me too"

The toast was finished so I layered eggs, then a few slices of avocado and seasoning on top. I took both of the plates to the countertop where Josh was sitting on the other side.

"When is your birthday?" Josh said catching me off guard.

"What?" I asked genuinely confused.

"The day you are born, it happens once a year, and-" he started to explain.

"Yes I know that but do you mean?" still not knowing what he's up to.

"I just thought that maybe we could see each other around that time, whenever it is" he offered.

"June 1st but Frannie always plans a whole day-long thing for us" I frowned.

"Yeah I mean the next day on the 2nd we perform in Ohio," He said grinning as my face lit up.

"That's actually perfect I get to bring a plus one. Wait a minute, damn, I was thinking about giving it to someone. You would love her. She's gorgeous and super talented. She also lives in New York and has 2 cats. You guys would be great friends, you are honestly almost the same. It's just she doesn't have as good of music taste as you. She like pop and rap music" my hands when up to my face with the last bit trying to conceal my laughter. "No, you also like that stuff?" he said as we burst into laughter.

"I can't help it, rap and pop are just so good, and the pop-country stuff is amazing" I barely got out.

"Noooo!  I think I have to bring you now just so I can like mind control to not like it anymore" Josh joked.

"You'll see me there, but my mind with never change," I said giggling.

"But we have to see each other sometime during April and May. I don't know if I could go 2 months" Josh said to me.

"Yes, the end of April/ beginning of May probably won't work for me," I said referring to the movie coming out soon.

"The movie right? I cant wait to see it, it looks good" Josh said taking a bite of the toast.

"It's a fun one, maybe my last" I said rolling my eyes.

"What do you mean?" He said as a shocked expression swept his face.

"They kinda killed off the person I play like halfway through the movie. But that doesn't matter it's that for I've been begging for a just Black Widow movie. They kept just pushing and pushing now she's not even alive" I said.

"I'm sorry about that" Josh said setting the food down and giving me all his attention.

We talk about the movie and what I want in the Black Widow movie that will never happen.

Josh only stayed for 2 days till he had to leave. Those 2 days nothing else happened like the first night. We went to some of the best thrift stores, got food, and say some of my friends. I honestly liked it. Nothing to intense happened between us. We said out last goodbyes and he left.

I was now in preparation for the premiere and tons of other stuff that related to Endgame.

Kathrine Deppحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن