7. Mustard

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Maxwell's POV

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Maxwell's POV

"Is there something on my face?" I said. Panickingly, I touched my face and checked all over for anything. However, I failed to remember that I had mustard on my fingers so now my whole face has mustard.

"Oh God! I fucked up. Oh God!!" I wailed while Bryce was laughing, no, hollering.

"It's not funny!" I said while wiping the sauce off my face.

"OH GOD! THAT SHIT WAS HILARIOUS!" He laughed to the point where he was wheezing.

"Are you gonna help me wipe it off." He stood up and walked towards me. He held a napkin in his hand. He softly began wiping the sauce off my face.

"Stop moving. You're acting like a child!" He said. I stopped moving while he finished cleaning me. God, I really am like a child.

After he was done, his eyes met mine like before. Only this time, we were stuck in a place of our own. I refused to look away from his eyes. They were huge and brown. His black, wavy hair fell onto his forehead. He didn't push them back, but rather let them hang off.

"You've got some on your lips." He said, snapping out of his trance. He brought the napkin to my lips and wiped them off.

Not sure why, but I bit him.

"OW! What was that for?!" He cradled his finger.

"That's for distracting me and making me put mustard on my face!"

"That sounds like a you problem. What's my finger gotta do with it!?!" He said. I grabbed his finger and put my cold apple juice bottle on it for it to cool down.

"Better?" I asked.

"Mmhmm. Defo."

"Never say that again."

"Whatevs. C'mon. I wanna play more games!" He began to tug my arm while I stood up. He led me to another game.

"Gimme. Gimme quarters!" He said while holding out his hands. I pulled out the quarters while he put them in to play the game. I swear, he's like a child.

For an hour, we continued to play and do stupid things. It was an hour but felt like mere seconds with Bryce.

"WHO'S THERE?! SHOW YOURSELF! YOU ARE TRESPASSING ON PRIVATE PROPERTY!" A voice yelled through the empty halls. Bryce stopped playing while I began to shake.

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. We gotta go!" I said to Bryce. I grabbed my backpack and began running towards the back. I stopped and turned to see a shocked Bryce.

"BRYCE?!" I whined. I grabbed his elbow and dragged him behind me. We ran, as the sound of footsteps followed behind us.

"STOP RIGHT THERE!" An angry voice trailed behind us.

"Whatever you do... DON'T STOP!" I said to Bryce.

We continued running through the creaky and dimly lit halls. We were growing tired fast.

"In here!" Bryce said.

"What? NO! We gotta leave!" I said. Bryce tugged me to an empty closet that was open.

"Do you trust me?" He said. I do in fact trust him. It was either follow him or get caught. There was no time to think. It's time to get in the closet.

I followed him and we quickly entered the small closet. Bryce slowly closed the door and turned on his phone flashlight. He brought his finger to his mouth to tell me to shut up. I'm not even speaking!!

"Where'd you go, hooligans!?" A voice said. His steps approached the door but sounded like he walked past us.

"YOU WON'T GET AWAY!" He yelled. His voice now echoing away from us.

We stayed in silence for a while, expecting him to come back and catch us. After five minutes and nothing happening, Bryce whispered.

"I think he's gone." He whispered. However, he was close. VERY close to my face. Too close.

"Should we head out?" I asked, feeling his breath close to my face. Instead, we just stood there, the only light coming from his phone and only the two of us there.

 Instead, we just stood there, the only light coming from his phone and only the two of us there

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i always complain my life is boring but whenever someone tries to make plans with me i put them down.

i have no plans for my life at this moment. sending out an sos

bye! i love you all!


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