Chapter 35: Reunited

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"Lord Ookuninushi?" Lady Izunami asked, "Why?"

"I want to hear from his mouth that he doesn't know anything about the god of the World Over Yonder," I said, "Tomoe made a good point. It's just not possible for such a god to exist and no one have ever met or seen or recorded anything about him."

"True," Lady Izunami said, "I am rarely on the surface, so I am often missing out on the events up above. Someone above will have to know of your predecessors."

"Predecessors? What are you talking about?" Akura Ou asked. 

"Welcome back, Akura Ou," Lady Izunami said.

"Oh, yeah. Nice to meet you," he said flightily. He wanted his question answered.

"Technically, you sealed the familiar contract when you kissed me," I said, looking away from him.

"What? Since when are you a god?" he asked.

"Since I was young apparently. I didn't know about it when we met. My powers are one of the reasons I was worried you didn't really love me," I said.

"I would and will always love you," he said, "What are you even the god of?"

"The World Over Yonder. I'm supposed to be the peace keeper among gods, yokai, and humans."

"Was there a particular reason you wanted to be able to control my actions?" Akura Ou whispered, kissing my ear.

"Akura Ou!" I cried.

He laughed and I whacked his arm.

Lady Izunami laughed.

"I'm afraid I don't know where Lord Ookuninushi is," she said, "You would have to search for him yourself or wait until he is back in Izumo."

"Okay. Thank you, Lady Izunami," I said.

"You welcome, Lady Raya."

"I should go home now."

"It was wonderful seeing you again and meeting Akura Ou properly."

"Be polite," I said to him softly.

He rolled his eyes and said, "It was a pleasure to meet you."

"You as well," Lady Izunami said, "And Raya, don't worry about Kirihito's parents. I'll take care of it. They will believe their son is gone, as it always should have been."

"That seems so terrible though," I said, "They will have lost their only child."

"That is the way life is," Lady Izunami said, "It is not a matter of my personal feelings, but the way things must be."

"Please, make it as peaceful as possible for them," I said.

"Of course," Lady Izunami said.

"Goodbye," I said.


Hiou walked me, Akura Ou, and Yatori to the entrance.

"Can you get out on your own?" Hiou asked.

"We can take care of ourselves from here," Akura Ou said, picking me up and jumping high to the light that shone down.

"Bye!" I yelled as Hiou waved. I saw Yatori come up quickly behind us. When we were back on solid ground, Akura Ou wouldn't let me down from his arms.

"I can walk," I said.

"No," he said.

"Why not?" I asked.

"Because I said so."

"If you don't use your words, I'm getting down."

"You can't get down."

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