Chapter 5: Childish

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"I'm bored," I groaned at Akura Ou. Truth be told, he and Tomoe we're actually moving very fast and it was really fun, but I hadn't gotten on Akura Ou's nerves in a little while, so I figured, why not?

"What do you want me to do about it?" He asked tersely. I could tell he was still irritated with me.

"I don't know," I said.

"Then be silent."

I was silent from my place on his shoulders while looking back at Tomoe. My gaze was drawn to his ears. I wonder, if they have animal like ears, if their hearing is more sensitive. I wonder what would happen if I...

"Akura Ou!" I screamed as loud as I could.

He cried out and jumped before throwing me off of his shoulder. He rubbed his ear and glared at me. I noticed Tomoe rubbing his own ears a little bit as well.

"What do you want, woman?" Akura Ou growled.

"I want to play a game," I said.

"What kind of game?" He asked. He was trying to sound annoyed but I could tell he was curious.

"A kind of betting game. Stop for a second and I'll explain."

Akura Ou stopped in a small clearing and Tomoe perched himself in a tree. We were his own personal entertainment. I bet that's how he saw it.

"If I win the game, you have to help me get home, but we could perhaps play again after that," I said, " And if you win, you can have whatever you want."

"Fine then. If I win, you come with me quietly and do what I say," Akura Ou said 

"Within reason," I corrected. 

"Eh. What's the game?" Akura Ou asked, smirking confidently.

"Hide and seek tag," I said 

"What?" Akura Ou asked.

"Two rounds, and a possible third for a tie-breaker. We take turns hiding and then when the seeker finds the hider, the seeker has to tag the hider," I said 

"That is a child's game!" Akura Ou exclaimed, " No way. Now, let's go."

"Why. Are you scared you'll lose to a human woman at a game meant for children?" I asked, "I guess the great and powerful Akura Ou can't win at a game a five year old human would play. Sad."

Akura Ou's face flushed red again, "Fine, I'll play! Any other rules?"

"It appears my brother has met his match. I've never seen him so easily convinced," Tomoe said, "By now, I'm not even sure who will win this game."

"Glad you're confident in me," Akura Ou snapped, glaring at Tomoe 

"We each get on round where one is hiding and the other is seeking. You must have a finite hiding place by the end of the countdown and you can only change hiding places once. And if the hider is found and tagged, he or she loses. If the seeker can't find the hider within fifteen minutes, the seeker loses. Oh, and no injuring me," I said 

"Good catch," Tomoe said from up in the tree. He had taken out a pipe and was calmly smoking while still grinning.

"Fine. Who's hiding first?" Akura Ou asked 

"We can flip a coin," I said, digging through my bag to find my wallet 

I found my wallet and dug out a 100 yen coin. 

"You call first," I said, flipping the coin.

"Tails," Akura Ou said 

"Heads," I said, stepping back and letting the coin hit the dirt. Both Akura Ou and I knelt down to look at the coin. 

"Heads," I said, "I'll hide first."

"How long do you have to hide?" Akura Ou asked.

"Right.." I said, trying to pick a good time.

"Five minutes to hide. It's a fair amount of time to hide given the fifteen minute search time," Tomoe said, "And I'll keep count."

"Why do you want to count?" I asked, "How do I know you won't cheat?"

"Because I'm curious to see how the game goes. I want to see who wins."

"Alright," I said. I reached into my bag and took out my watch, "I'll keep my watch as well to see how much time I have left."

Tomoe and Akura Ou both looked at me suspiciously.

"It's a time keeping device," I said, "It won't do anything but tell me how much time I have left "

Tomoe nodded, "Three, two, one, run." 

I took off in one direction. 

"How exactly are you counting?" I heard Akura Ou ask distantly.

"Tapping my finger on the tree," he replied.

I was finally out of earshot and angled myself to the right. All I had to do was win this one match and I would at least have a chance. I was almost certain I wouldn't be able to find Akura Ou if he hid, but if I won this match and a tie breaker, then I'd at least get some directions back home, provided Akura Ou was honest. He seemed like someone who would be a sore loser. He was childish. He fell victim to my taunting so easily. He can't stand it when someone make him feel like less than the image of himself that he's created.

I was in some thick woods now. It made running slower, but it did also make seeing harder, which was hopefully to my advantage. I saw a tree rich with blooms, but he would probably expect me to hide in such an obvious place. I kept hurrying forward, finally veering left. I came to a small stream. One minute left. I found some stones poking out of the water and used them to get across. I kept going and a village came in view. He might expect me to go into the village, but I just need one good hiding place so he can't find me. Then it won't matter if he knows I'm in the village. Wait, everyone is dressed different than I am. They're all wearing kimonos. And these buildings look old. Was I transported somewhere rural. No, these clothes and these buildings look like they're from hundreds of years ago. Come to think of it, Tomoe has long hair right now, but usually his hair is short, and he didn't recognize me. It was like he had never met me before. Have I gone back in time?

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