Chapter 6: The Game Begins

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I looked at my watch and realized time is up. I don't have a choice. It's the village or be caught. Even if I'm not in danger, I really don't want to lose to that brat, Akura Ou. I hurried into the village and then hurried through the crowd. I found a shop that looked quiet and went inside. It seemed like an old clothing store that had since gone out of business. Maybe there was a kimono I could borrow to throw on over my clothes. I could put it back when I was done. This shop was closed down anyway, so whatever was left behind obviously had little value. If I did find anything, it would be like borrowing a sheet from the closet to cover yourself with so you could hide in the laundry basket. 

I looked through the large wooden wardrobe and found nothing. Nothing except a large, empty wardrobe! I jumped inside and closed the door. I realized I had left my bag with Tomoe and Akura Ou. I hope he didn't leave it behind. I had left my phone with the picture of the racoon yokai drawing in it, as well as, my art supplies. It took forever to earn the money to buy them. What about my job? If I've really gone back in time, is it even possible to be late for work? How far back did I go? Worst comes to worst, I'll have to ask Tomoe or Akura Ou what the year is, or maybe ask someone in the village.

Eleven more minutes. Even if I had only successfully hidden for four minutes, it was still a little satisfying to know I had escaped Akura Ou this long. My breathing had calmed down, finally, so I was able to stay quiet easily now. I was getting bored. I considered changing hiding places just to see if I could, but I decided that would be foolish. I needed on guaranteed win before I started making risky moves. I should only do that if I'm desperate and right now, I'm secure. 

Eight minutes. I wonder if Akura Ou is frustrated yet. I bet is he is, he's fuming at Tomoe while he looks for me. Seems like something he'd do. I wonder if he'll stop stealing Tomoe's stuff now that he knows how it feels to not be able to find something. 

Five minutes. The home stretch. I only need to last a little longer. Has Tomoe actually been keeping count this long? I suppose he's probably patient enough to do so. Watching Akura Ou is probably entertainment enough to pay off his assistance as a referee.

"Time is up, Raya. Come out now," I hear Tomoe call. I checked my watch. Three more minutes. Tomoe was lying. He said he wouldn't cheat. Come to think of it, I bet he isn't. I bet Akura Ou knows I'm in the village and told Tomoe to say that so that I would come out early and be caught. I never said anything against that in the rules. Even though he's childish, Akura Ou is seriously cunning. I breathed deeply and leaned back against the wardrobe. One minute and I win.

"Where the hell is she?" I heard Akura Ou yell. I heard a few screams from outside. Well, a yokai did just wander into a village. I suppose that doesn't happen everyday.

Time was up.

"Alright then. Fifteen minutes has passed. Raya has won the first match," I heard Tomoe say. Just to be safe, I waited and extra minute before coming out of the wardrobe. I came out of the shop and looked around. I saw Tomoe grinning at Akura Ou, who looked kind of like he was pouting as he kicked the dirt with the toe of his boot.

"First round goes to me," I said as I approached him, smiling.

"Where the hell did you hide?" Akura Ou yelled.

"I'll show you," I said. I walked back to the shop and showed him and Tomoe the wardrobe.

"Damn it," Akura Ou muttered. 

"Impressive," Tomoe said, "Also, here is your bag. You left it behind."

"Thank you. Is it alright if I leave it with you though while I finish the game?" I asked.

Tomoe nodded, "I owe you for giving me a wonderfully entertaining night."

"Alright then, fine. So you win the first round," Akura Ou said, "But now you have to find me, which I guarantee, you won't be able to."

"We'll see," I said.

Akura Ou glared at me and took off his long coat, showing that he was wearing a tank top underneath.

"Three, two, one, go," Tomoe said.

Akura Ou was gone in a flash. I looked over at Tomoe, who was calmly smoking his pipe while also tapping it with one finger.

"Perhaps we should move back to the clearing. The inhabitants of this village appear to have been frightened enough," Tomoe said. I nodded and he suddenly grabbed me with one arm and started to run. We were quickly back at the clearing.

"I have a question for you, Raya," Tomoe said.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Why are you the only human who does not fear us?"

"Probably because I don't know why I should fear you. Sorry if this is offensive, but I've never heard of you or Akura Ou. As far as I knew, you guys were just rude yokai."

Tomoe smirked, "You have no idea the trouble you're in if and when Akura Ou wins."

"So you think he'll win?" I asked.

"I'm certain of it. Mostly because he hates to lose. Especially to a human. He'll win by any means he sees necessary."

Any means he sees necessary? Tomoe was hinting at something.

"How much time is left?" I asked.

"Two minutes thirty-three seconds."

"He's probably gotten pretty far by now," I said. Tomoe just nodded, inhaling from his pipe and exhaling the smoke.

"And...go," Tomoe said calmly.

I checked my watch. Six thirty-two by my watch, even though, because it was dark, I knew it was actually later. I had until six forty-seven to find Akura Ou. 

Clocks (Akura Ou x OC)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin