Chapter 2: First Impressions

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"Where are you taking me?" I asked softly.

"Home, where else?" he said as though it was obvious, "But I do have one question, human. Where did you find clothes like these?"

I thought about what I was wearing. My black, ankle high, laced, platform boots, black jeans with a few colorful patches from when I repaired them from falling in my old shoes, a t-shirt with a white rose, and then my school uniform jacket, as well as, my school pack. It made me think about what Kurama wore. Damn it, I never realized we both ignored school dress code to the same extent.

"Why do you care?" I asked, "You aren't dressed that differently from me."

 "True, but that is why I asked," he said, "Most women are wearing kimonos. I've found quite the interesting human woman."

"Why did you even ask for my name if you're going to call me human, or woman?" I asked.

"I can call you whatever I like," he said.

"Then I'm calling you horn-head."

He suddenly set me down, nearly making my trip over from the heels on my shoes.

"Don't call me that," he said sharply, "And furthermore, take off that jacket. It doesn't look right."

"You're criticizing what I'm wearing?" I asked, "What gives you the right?"

"I am Akura Ou. You listen or you die. Simple as that."

I stuck out my tongue, "Yeah right. I'm finding a way home."

"You're coming with me," he said, grabbing my wrist.

"I do what I want."

He paused and then smiled, "Fine. But are you sure can survive out here alone? You don't seem like the kind who can take care of herself when it counts."

"I've taken care of myself for years. I've never needed an egotistical loser like you to get by."

"If you're certain," he said. He picked me up again and I growled softly.

"Put me down!"

"In a minute," he said calmly.

"What do you mean 'in a minute?'"

"Exactly what I said."

I huffed softly and tried to look at him as best I could. All I could see was the back of his long coat and the heels of his boots. He finally set me down.

"Hey, hold on!" I said, clinging onto his shoulders. My hoop earring had caught on to his large, teardrop shaped one.

"My earring is hooked on yours."

He paused before lifting me up a little and wrapping my legs around his waist. I tried to find the opening in the back of my earring where it had hooked around his.

"Are you finished?" he asked.

"No. Hold on." I finally took off my earring back and pulled my earring out, then brough my head back so I could see what I was doing. I easily unhooked my earring from his and started putting it back in.

"You can set me down now," I said, trying to find the hole in my ear to put my earring back in.

"No. I think this is a rather comfortable position," he said, smirking.

"What are you smiling at?" I asked, becoming frustrated that I couldn't get my earring back on. 

"Keep your legs wrapped around tightly," he said.

I was about to ask why before he removed one of his hands from under my thigh. He took the earring from my hand and easily threaded the earring post through my ear.

"I'm smiling because it's hilarious how much your struggling with your own earring," he said, "And you're blushing."

"I am not!" I said, pushing on his chest. He just laughed and set me down. I looked around and my eyes widened when I saw a lot of buildings, the streets lit with red lights.

"Where is this?" I asked.

"The Red Light District," he said.

"No subtleties in that name."

He chuckled, "Good luck finding your way around." 

"Hey, what are you?"

"I'm a yokai."

"Yokai aren't real."

He smiled and walked off into the district.

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