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Natsu and Lucy - WHATT??

Wendy - Well think about it I cant be alone and since Lisanna is gone and Natsu is always working I need somebody to look out for me and I like the idea of the person being Lucy and since Lucy can't because it would be more dificult with rides and getting late at home and all if she lived with us then she wouldnt have to worry about driving at night or getting home late, she could stay at home looking out for me and also working and she could give me rides for school without much problem I dont mind coming a little early or late after school anyway I can just use that time to study or just play sooo... what do you guys think?

Natsu - Well...

Wendy - Oh come on our house has so many bedrooms that its almost a waste not to use them we never have guests and when we do they rarely sleep there so at least we would give a use to one bedroom

Natsu - For me its ok you just have to ask Ms. Heartfilia

Wendy - Well Lucy what do you say? Do you want to be my personal Babyssitter or am I too annoying for you?

Lucy - That never!! And to be honest I could use the time out of paying rent I need to save money for some things that are coming up... *little teary eyes remembering*

Natsu - May I ask what if its not too much to ask?

Lucy - oh sure...my dad kind of has some debts and well since I am his daughter they come to me and also I have to pay for my mothers grave or they will take her out and I would die if that hapenned.... *little sad and teary*

Natsu - Im sorry to hear that...are both your parents deceased?

Lucy - No my mom yes a few years ago but my dad is still alive..

Natsu - Then why can't he pay for his own debts?

Lucy - Well long story short...he left here and the people he has debts with have come after me to get the money and since I havent talked with him for a long time I cant really know where he is..

Wendy - Oh Lucy... *Gets emotional and hugs her*

Lucy - Thank you Wendy... but anyway yah extra cash is always good and saving most of it is even better *Smiles*

Natsu - (thinks: cute...she has been through so much and still smiles shes brave..)

Lucy - But uh..When would I move in and when does the work start?

Natsu - Well for me it would be great if you could start tomorrow after school because in the morning I can bring Wendy but in the afternoon I have a meeting and it may take long so how about you pack everything today and tomorrow I call a moving company to come pick up your thinks after school and leave them at my house that way you can settle in and be comfortable and have enough time to get everything ready..

Lucy - Ok that sounds like a good plan for me *smiles* Well see you guys tomorrow

They all leave to go to their homes while Lucy gets everything ready

                                                 -Lucy's pov-

Its going to be weird not living here after years and living in a new place that is supposed to be much bigger from what Wendy said I just hope that I dont get lost and that everything goes well cause I really need the money that old man just made my life a living hell and in the end before leaving for god knows where he just told me that people would come looking for him and money and that as a daughter it was my job to cover his debts... I know what a great father that I have *rolls eyes* but hopefully now everything is going to be better and things are going to be more cheerful for me....I want to know what it is like to get home and not be alone, how it feels to eat with somebody after so long and how it is to have other people to talk with at home without hearing shouting or slaps or punchs...But i better get everything ready because its getting late and I still have a lot of things to do and tomorrow I have to wake up early

                                                     -Time skip, after classes-

Lucy - Ok so I drive and you show me the way how about that Wendy?

Wendy - Of course!

They drive and arrive at a huge mansion modern but also with a contemporary design it looks like a palace but at the same time it has a cozy and homely vibe I feel like I can finally have a place that I call home a real home not a house but somewhere where I will be happy to come to and where I will be happy living!

As soon as we arrive we see the moving people at the door

Lucy - Uhm excuse me are you here from an appartment in name of Lucy Heartfilia?

Moving guy - Yes, are you miss Heartfilia? Is this your house?

Lucy - Yes its me but this is not my house Im just moving because I will start working here from now on

Moving guy - Ok well can we start moving everything inside?

Lucy - Uhm for me its ok but I dont have a key do any of you have a copy?

Moving guy - No..

Wendy - I do

Lucy - *looks at Wendy confused* Really? why do you have a key Wendy your still too young?

Wendy - Well I would need one if someday Lisanna would lock me out of the house so I said to Natsu that I wanted to be more independent and wanted to learn how to be really responsable and he gave me a copy it came in handy in some ocasions and now of course *giggles*

Lucy - Well Wendy you just saved us so thank you and we better get going right?

Moving guy - Yes its still a few things and we still have another job after this

They all get the boxes inside and the moving guys leave them because they both said that they could do the rest of the moving

Wendy - Lucy do you need any help with the rest of the moving? I can help you if you need.

Lucy - Thank you very much Wendy but its okay you have homework to do and its not that many things I can manage on my own

Wendy - Ok well see youu.

                                                -Lucy's pov-

So after our little talk Wendy went to her bedroom and I assume she started doing her homework, while that I started picking up boxes and putting everything away in a room that Wendy said was mine it was bigger than my last bedroom it was not huge but to be honest I prefer it this way not too small but big enough to feel comfortable in it, cozy and just perfect. It had grey walls and a simple decoration not much effort or trying to represent anybodies personality its a room that could fit anybody that would sleep in it. Maybe If Natsu would let me I can decorate it on my tastes. I finish putting everything away and just admire it still wasnt finished because I still didnt know if I could decorate it how I wanted but it was starting to feel like home to me I dont know why..I got comfortable and dressed in my pjs wich were just a tshirt and shorts.

I heard the main door open and looked at the clock I had with me it said '18:30/6:30pm.' Its strange I thought that Natsu said he had a meeting and would be late but without thinking I just went down to ask him about decorating my bedroom with my things

Lucy - *goes down the stairs* Hey Natsu, can I decorate-


to be continued....

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