"Why didn't you tell me that Dahyun threatened you?

Her hand moved my head up so that she could look into my eyes and it made me feel all the more nervous.

I should've hid my diary better. 

I bit down onto my tongue, "I thought you wouldn't have believed me if I did tell you." 

I truly did think she wouldn't believe me if I told her her girlfriend threatened me to cut off one of my fingers if I were to talk to her. I didn't know how well the 2 girls knew each other- I didn't think Mina would see Dahyun as someone who would threaten somebody else.

It might come off as a lie if I told her the redhead threatened me, because you really wouldn't expect it from her. But I guess you should never trust a book by its cover.

"Well, you don't have a reason to lie, so." Mina told me before pulling me closer. "I trust you, Chae.

I skipped a heartbeat when that angelic smile came back onto those wonderful lips. 

"Were you scared?

My mind took me back to the moment where Dahyun threatened me, and I nodded my head. I could remember the rush of fear that overcame my body at that time.

"Poor baby." Mina muttered and pulled me against her body, to which I wrapped my arms around her waist whilst she put hers around my neck. My head leaned against her shoulder as I let out a shaky breath I didn't know I was holding in. 

A single tear fell from my eye just to land ontop of her shirt. I didn't even know that it bothered me this much until I was holding onto the blonde girl.

She held me for several minutes until I decided to pull away from her embrace, missing the warmth she gave me immediately. 

The girl grabbed a glass of water for me and handed it over so that I could drink from it. After I took a few gulps, she took it back from me and put it down on the table again.

"Come sit down." She said and sat down on my bed, patting the spot beside her for me to sit on.

Her arm wrapped around me as I sat down beside her, pushing my head down onto her shoulder. I closed my eyes and took a moment to calm myself again.

"Do you think what happened at Sana's party was a mistake?" She blurted out and caught me absolutely off guard which made me choke on my own saliva. I pushed myself off of her and looked her into her eyes, "Your diary." She mumbled softly.

How fast can she read?!

"I mean.." I thought about the words I could use, "Was it planned? We both were drunk and perhaps we did it without any real feelings or maybe you didn't even want it-"

"I did want it, and feelings were included, from my side at least.

My mouth opened but no words came out. 

Mina just pretty much confessed to me.

"But that wasn't the question," She came closer to me, "Do you think what happened, between us, was a mistake?

A small sound left my lips but it wasn't really a verbal answer. With a raise of her eyebrows, I finally could put words together, "I don't know." 

Her lips curled up into a smile before she looked down, her hair covering her face.

Suddenly her hands grasped my face and her mouth was less than an inch away from mine, my eyes forced to look into her own.

I held in my breath as she tilted her head to the side and pushed her luscious lips against mine, the taste of her somewhat familiar to me now. Her hands moved me down onto my bed before she decided to hover over me.

I closed my eyes and gave into the kiss she shared with me, letting her tongue slip inside my mouth when it swiped across my bottom lip.

Full bliss took over me when I let my hands wander onto her back, grasping onto the piece of fabric that covered her smooth skin.

The fact that we were both committed to this was a dream come true for me, literally. I've dreamed about this so much ever since I met this girl.

There just was something about Mina that made me crave her and love her. 

Her arms wrapped around my waist as she pushed my shirt up just a bit, her nails scratching at the skin that laid beneath her fingers. 

A pleased moan escaped my mouth as her nails dug in deeper, probably leaving marks by now. But I didn't give a shit- I wanted her to mark me, anywhere and everywhere.

And just as I wished, she did. Her lips left mine and went down to my neck, where she took that sensitive skin into her mouth and began to suck on it delicately.

I took a handful of her hair and tugged on it, causing for her teeth to graze over my neck. 

I placed my arms around her neck and pulled her closer, wanting her to mark me even more. But she had different thoughts about that.

Mina had pulled away and now sat on my lap, her arms around my neck as her hooded eyes stared into mine. 

My breath heavy and exposing the fact I wanted more.

"Did that feel like a mistake?

Holy shit.


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