16: It makes me sick

Start from the beginning

A bandage covered his chest, wrapped around his torso. He had wires and IVs hooked up to him, a blood-filled bag on a pole next to the head of his bed, a wire tracing from its opening into his body.

You gave a muffled whine, covering your mouth with your hands and sniffing, trying to suppress the sudden storm of tears. 


"Kirishima. Kiri." You forced yourself to your feet and approached him. 

"Y/n?" A smile lit his tired, wan face. "Hi there."

"I'm sorry. Kirishima- I'm so sorry!"

He grabbed your hand, his features turning concerned and understanding. "Hey, it's okay. It was just an accident. You got nothing to be sorry for."

"I didn't mean t-to hurt you..."

"It's fine. I don't care about it. I'm just happy we're all safe."

"Y-yeah," you sniffled, wiping at your eyes. A great weight had been lifted off your shoulders. A real smile crossed your face as you brushed his sweaty, limp, damp hair from his forehead.

"Is everyone else alright? Where's the Baku-squad and Deku-squad?"

You sniffled. "They're all okay."

The door suddenly slammed open, and Bakugo, Kaminari, Sero, and Mina burst in. 

Kaminari threw his arms around his friend and shrieked in delight and happiness. "Eijiro!" 

The boy laughed weakly. "Hi, Denki." 

Hanta Sero smirked as he put his hands on his hips and shook his head knowingly. 

"HEY, SHITTY HAIR! NOTICE ME AND THE DUMMY!" Katsuki roared furiously, sparks popping from his palms.

He laughed and smiled. "Greetings, Y/n and Baku."


"Hey guys," he invited, "how does Y/n/n Baku sound?"

"YOU LITTLE RAT! DON'T MAKE ME CHOKE YOU!" He flapped his arms furiously and hopelessly at the redheaded male. 

"Hey, Mina and Sero," Kirishima greeted. Kaminari sat bouncing on his heels at the end of the bed as Kiri sat up with a quiet groan, scratching at the bandages.

"Does it hurt much, Eijiro?" Mina simpered as she stroked his arm.

"Sometimes, but not much!" He grinned and leaned into her instinctively. Something in Kaminari's features went cold but the smile stayed on his lips, although oddly it didn't reach his eyes- it was like he was pretending.

"Hey, Mina- wanna go get a coffee with me?" Sero asked suddenly. 

"Man, I'm parched," Denki responded before quickly leaving the room.

"Nah, I'll stay here!" She smiled. 

"All right! Guess me and Denki'll go get somethin quick to drink down the hall and then come back!" 

Hanta left the room, the smile vanishing from his mouth as though it had been slapped off.

You ruffled Eijiro's hair. "Hungry?"

He nodded so hard his head hurt. "Yep! Man, I want a shower, too."

You looked around at the others. "Then let's all go. We'll meet you in half an hour at the cafe downstairs, right?"

"Right." He nodded and smiled gratefully at you.

"Okay, then bye! See you later!" Mina rubbed Kiri's arm and then pranced out of the room to tune off whatever song she was whistling.

"See ya, Shitty hair," Katsuki proclaimed, waving lazily before putting an arm around you and leading you from the room. 

Mina had already gone downstairs, while Katsuki stopped to chat up his Mom and Dad. Meanwhile you leaned against a poster for donations and saw, twenty-five feet away, Kaminari leaning with his forehead pressed up against the vending machine. Sero was rubbing his back, a worried look on his face as they both spoke quietly. Meanwhile, the electric boy was hugging himself, clutching his stomach and looking sick and depressed. 

You decided to eavesdrop. 

You put in your earbuds and pretended to listen to music, bobbing your head a bit as you offhandedly, casually walked down the tiled hallway floors. You stopped once you'd passed them and turned the corner, pretending to continue. You pressed up against the wall and leaned sideways a bit to hear better. They were only five feet from you directly around the corner you were hiding behind. 

You removed the earphones and tucked them in your pocket as you fine-tuned your ears. 

"I just," You were shocked to hear Kaminari's tearful, low, weeping voice. "I just know that- that- he likes another person- Mina Ashido. And I- Mina's my friend, she really is, but-"

He sighed tearfully. "It makes me sick to look at them together. They're better off without me. But no matter what I do, it- it- I still love him. He's like an addiction. I can't stop. He's like oxygen in a breathless world. And I don't want to ruin what he has with Mina, but I can't help being jealous. I can't help vomiting when I think of them together, what they're doing behind closed doors."

"They," Sero said firmly, "are not doing anything. I've spoken with Mina, asked her about how she feels for him. She won't tell me. But- Listen, Kirishima definitely feels some type of way about you, too. He wants you. He just needs to get things figured out for himself, and once he does, he's all yours, Denki."

"Don't lie to me, Sero. It isn't helping." He sniffled. "I just want what Y/n and Bakugo have- each other. I want that, for me and EIjiro. It's so clear they love each other- the way he looks at her! The way she looks at him... it's just clear they love each other. But Bakugou and F/n have that, and Mina Ashido and Eijiro Kirishima have that, not me."

"Hey," he interjected. "It's okay. C'mon- let's go get ourselves a drink at the bar down the street and then come back, okay?"

"Mkay," the downtrodden boy sighed as he allowed himself to be marched away. 

Words: 1508

sorry for the delay in updating! i will update again tmr 

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