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jennie turns up the volume when her favorite song comes on the radio as she sits in the passenger seat of yoongi's palisade.

before actually getting to the reason for their get together, the two decided to go for ice cream after jennie stated she was craving for it. the cat faced girl was more confused than ever on where they stood. it was like they were friends but not. more than friends but not really.

she hummed to the melody of a new red velvet song that everyone was listening to at the time. yoongi kept one hand on the wheel and the other on the space between the seats. he stayed silent throughout the drive and glanced at the girl every now and then. he wondered what she was thinking since she didn't look at him once and only stared out the window.

yoongi had waited in his car for her to finish her tests just so they could go to his house and do what they usually did, doors locked, blinds closed. but once jennie got in the car her stomach started rumbling.

"did you eat?" he had asked her. jennie pouted. "not since this morning. i spent lunch studying." without a word, yoongi reversed from his parking spot. "what do you want?"

and so they ended up at a sushi place and an ice cream place right after.

yoongi stopped in front of an iron gate and rolled down the window to face a guard. he didn't have to say a word before the guard had a stricken expression and was turning back to press a button to open the gates. "have a good night mr. min!" he shouted back as they drove away.

some neighborhood, jennie thought, her eyes widening at the giant houses around the neighborhood. they're garages and pool houses being the size of her house now.

she didn't say anything when jisoo once invited them to his family's cabin in the mountains for a snowy weekend, she didn't question his expensive shoes and clothes and car without having a job. it's time she had faced it, yoongi was a rich boy.

they pulled up to his driveway and she took a moment to look at his house. a two story, with very modern architecture. "this is yours?"

"yep." yoongi steps out of the car and just walks towards the door. jennie once hoped that he would maybe open the door for her but those hopes have long been crushed since they first started their secret meetups.

"isn't this place too big for just you?" she asks stepping out the car herself. yoongi sighs and looks at her. "i didn't choose the place. my parents gave it to me." oh so he's a trustfund baby. cool.

"stop asking questions and just get in the house." it never occurred to her that they had never really spent time at his house. all their previous trysts were spent in her place or even in the car. she wondered why considering how marvelous his house clearly is. he always offered his place for a meetup spot but always insisted last minute that he didn't clean up or that it was too dirty at the moment. jennie shook her heads free of thoughts and focused on the moment at hand.

they're relationship, if they even had one, was supposed to be fun and carefree. jennie tried not to dwell on any thoughts concerning the boy for too long.

it happened in what felt like less than a second.

yoongi unlocking the door, turning on the lights. suddenly, a POP! noise and confetti flying all over the place. people yelling "surprise!", jennie realizing those are their friends, her eyes widening as she sees the shock and confusion on her friends' face. she blushes as yoongi swears beside her.


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