We should be lovers instead (Henry x Liam) (Angst)

Start from the beginning

Hearing the coffee machine beep, Henry quickly bagged the muffin in a paper bag, writing the order number on it in sharpie to make sure no one would take it if he left it on the counter

Henry ran to the coffee maker, rapidly pouring the drink into the cup. He picked up the hot drink in one hand, and began to walk over to the man who was looking at his watch, tapping it slightly

Once Henry got over to the table, he went to out the cup down and accidentally dropped it. The hot coffee spilled onto the man's lap, newspaper, the table, and the floor

"O-Oh god, I-I am so so sorry..!!" Henry panicked


Henry tried to not show how much this was stressing him out and scaring him. "I-I promise, I'll fix this..!" he said. He then ran behind the counter, grabbing some napkins. Coffee had splattered on his apron, so a few stray napkins fell and stuck to him. As he ran back to the man, he slipped a little on the drink but caught himself on the table. Quickly, Henry got up and began wiping the spill from the table. He got more napkins, handing them to the man who was bagging his newspaper and pocketing his cellphone

At this point, everyone else in the shop was watching in shock. Some were whispering to each other, others were recording with their cell phones

"THIS IS RIDICULOUS." the man continued to rant as Henry scrambled to try and find a mop behind the counter. "DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHO I AM?! I COULD HAVE YOU FIRED!!"

"S-Sir, I promise I can give you a refund..!" Henry said. He ended up having to resort to more napkins to desperately attempt to clean the floor mess

"DON'T BOTHER." the man screamed as he closed his bag. "THIS PLACE IS HORRIBLE. AND WHERE IS MY MUFFIN?!"

Henry got up quickly, napkins now stuck to his apron and the sides of his pants. He ran to the counter where there were two people waiting in line. "I-I'll just be a minute!" Henry said to them as he grabbed the bag containing the muffin. Someone else was behind the counter, but they were too stunned from what had happened to move

Henry ran back, placing the muffin bag on the fairly clean table. As he began to try to clean more, he felt something hit his head. It was the muffin

"ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME?!" the man yelled as he stood up, practically shoving his chair back "THIS HAS NUTS IN IT. I'M ALLERGIC TO NUTS. I SPECIFICALLY SAID CHOCOLATE CHIP"

Henry felt his eyes starting to fill with tears. Out of all the days at his job, this one was by far the worst and most embarrassing. This was definitely the worst customer ever

Right as Henry was about to get up and leave to the back of the store in tears, someone from another table ran over. "HEY!!" they yelled "LEAVE HIM ALONE, HE'S DOING HIS BEST!!!"

Henry stared up at the guy in front of him. He had dark red eyes, dark brown hair, and freckles. He was wearing a red and black sweater, black pants, and red sneakers

"Excuse me?!" the angry business man customer yelled. "WHO ARE YOU TO TELL ME WHAT TO-"

"If you don't leave him alone right now," the brunette said, getting slightly closer to the business man "the next drink that's made is gonna be dumped on your head. Now, if you want to save yourself the trouble of getting a new suit and better hairdo, I suggest you leave now"

The business man glared at both the brunette, and Henry, and then left


Henry's eyes darted back down to the floor as he continued to wipe up the mess with mostly soggy napkins. He was shaking, and trying to hold back tears. As he continued to attempt to clean the mess, the boy who saved him got down on the floor in front of him. "Hey, you want help with that...?"

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