Chapter 18

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Kawakaze: No!!!!

Kawakaze watched hopelessly as Nagato's body fell to the floor quite hard. And what frightened her eve more was Nagato who didn't move at all after her Wisdom Cube was forcibly taken by that Superordinate bastard.

Kawakaze tightened her grip on her Katana and shouted at Atago.

Kawakaze : Damn you, Traitor!

Kawakaze stepped forward and slashed from the right, but was held back by Atago's crystal sword. Atago just put on a face full of regret and pain.

Atago : we can't fight back... We better serve them...!

Kawakaze : Bullshit!

Kawakaze applied more pressure and finally managed to push Atago and deliver a slash from above and make Atago's left shoulder wounded. Atago winced as she was slashed by Kawakaze, and the wound was covered again with hot steam.

Kawakaze without waiting any longer fired her cannon at point blank range and managed to injure Atago's stomach and cut Atago's right arm off her body. Atago widened her eyes and gritted her teeth to endure the pain in her right hand. Bones started to come out, a sign that Atago's body regeneration was working, Kawakaze didn't need to wait and immediately stabbed Atago's chest and pierced her Wisdom Cube, even her Wisdom Cube came out due to Kawakaze's attack.

Ciel who was watching from a distance was shocked when she saw Atago's Wisdom Cube which was still blue and whitish in color but had purple veins throbbing.

Ciel : Damn it... they changed her...

Kawakaze aimed her cannon at Atago's Wisdom Cube and furiously fired armor-piercing shells at Atago's Wisdom Cube.

The Wisdom Cube was instantly shattered into pieces by Kawakaze's cannon fire, Atago couldn't help but smile with satisfaction when Kawakaze did that.

Atago : Thank you.... Kawakaze... We will wait for you on the other side.

Atago closed her eyes, IJN Atago, was no longer in this world nor this timeline. Kawakaze just gritted her teeth and looked at the tentacle of one of the Superordinates who was carrying Nagato's Wisdom Cube towards Nagato's (IJN) body that appeared through the portal.

Kawakaze instantly recognized the body, it was HER Nagato... Kawakaze raised her Katana and shot forward with a loud roar. One of the Superordinate's Tentacles tried to slap Kawakaze like a fly, but the Superordinate's tentacle was immediately cut off by the fire from Ayanami's Railgun.

Ayanami was in a prone position, with Javelin having managed to kill several Sopoids who had been holding them back with both her hands.

Laffey : Forward...! Miss Kawakaze!

Kawakaze nodded firmly and jumped to avoid being crushed by one of the tentacles that destroyed the ground she was standing on, Kawakaze slashed through the air and three whitish blue crescent moon slashes appeared and slashed the Superordinate's tentacles and managed to bring down Nagato's Wisdom Cube.

Kawakaze got into a stance and took a deep breath and again did a slash in the air which released a crescent moon slash with a large blackish white color, the crescent moon managed to injure Superordinate and make IT bleed blue, when the blue blood accidentally On Kawakaze's skin, she winced in pain as she realized that Superordinate's blood was extremely poisonous and dangerous.

Superordinate took advantage of the moment and immediately spit blood at Kawakaze, Kawakaze managed to dodge, but the left side of her face got hit by Superordinate's blood and made her scream in pain.

Kawakaze: it's hot! Make it stop!

Kawakaze fell to her knees on one leg holding her face, Ciel immediately ran towards Kawakaze with Laffeu giving support fire. Ciel immediately stood beside Kawakaze and applied Biofoam to Kawakaze's face.

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