Chapter 9

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Reichstag, Germany Ironblood.

Seen in Ironblood's proud building, the Reichstag, Ironblood officials and chancellors with square mustaches were discussing something.

Adolf : Okay, can you repeat that one more time? The Tommies want us to help them? Bah! What kind of trick is that?

Hermann Göring replied.

Hermann Göring : That's right, mein Führer, the Royal Navy has several times deliberately crossed our borders just to attract our attention. The Fleet led by Herrin Tirpitz has been contacted several times by the Royal Navy warships, they keep saying help in the fight against Leviathan, like that.

Adolf: Leviathan? Interesting, what do we know about this Leviathan?

Himmler : For now we don't know much, Mein Führer. But what we do know is, the Sirens are very afraid of this entity.

Adolf then pondered, he had met Alpha-789, and Adolf knew that the Siren were a race that could burn down their planet now for a good laugh. But they decided not to do that.

Hermann Göring : Also, my Führer, Field Marshal Erwin Rommel reports that General Patton of the Union has contacted him many times to cooperate in preparing the Leviathan ground forces' presence. What is your decision, Mein Führer?

Everyone looked at Adolf who thought for a moment before finally speaking.

Adolf : Fully cooperate with Azur Lane! Open our borders, send all the Wehrmacht divisions we can send to Africa and Iris Orthodoxy and order Rommel to fully cooperate with Patton, then call Bismarck and Dönitz for a meeting with the Royal Navy Fleet in the Atlantic. Gentleman, this is now not only about the third Reich ruling the world, but about our salvation, the Aryans. If Azur Lane and Siren lose, then it's just a matter of time for the Leviathans to finish us off, at least we have to put up a tough fight, Like an proud Arya! Sieg Heil!

Everyone : Sieg Heil!

At the site of the Battle against Morpho.

Laffey dodged the tentacle attack from Morpho, this tentacle even though it looks not too dangerous, but as long as it is hit a little, it feels very painful. Laffey fired six high-explosive shells at the three tentacles that attacked her, both tentacles were successful due to being hit by the Shell from Laffey's cannon, but one of the tentacles hit Laffey and sent her flying and rolling on the surface of the water. Laffey writhed in pain from the attack from Morpho's tentacle.

Several tentacles came again and tied both of Laffey's legs and arms, other tentacles started to tear the clothes Laffey was wearing, Laffey widened her eyes and started to fight back, but the pain from the fluid injected into her body from the tentacles made moving her body extremely painful.

Laffey was resigned and closed her eyes, just as she was about to feel something about to enter her, she heard an explosion and saw that all the Tentacles surrounding her had become burning tentacles. Laffey looked up and saw Nagato arriving with her Rigging active and several hatches open, indicating she had just fired Harpoons at the Tentacles.

Nagato : Laffey! are you okay?!

Laffey : auntie.... (groaning in pain)

Nagato : Oh you poor little girl... (holds Laffey in her Rigging and glares at Morpho.)

Nagato : I'm pissed now, Washington, now!

Several thuds were heard and the nine armor-piercing shells hit Morpho's face, but Morpho didn't look like It was in pain at all. Several Hellcats from Trafalgar arrived and made a strafing run, though half of them were shot down in the air and the others fell into the sea.

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