In the heat of the night - Avengers - Sam x Reader

Start from the beginning

He had had second thoughts about taking the elevator to the roof. Sam deciding that the effort of climbing the stairs was preferable to being locked, even if only for a few seconds, in that metal hot box.

With a heavy, relieved sigh, Sam finally reached the top of the building. His damp palm pushing on the small door that led to the roof. His skin suddenly kissed by the slightest breath of a breeze. A soft smile gracing his lips as he felt a sense of relief from the oppression within the building's walls.

As he made his way over to the corner of the roof, his eyes fell on the silhouette of another figure. A being that sat, perched on the wall overlooking the surrounding countryside, like an ever vigilant sentinel watching over a metropolis for any sign of danger. Really, he had hoped to have the roof to himself, yet he should have guessed that he wouldn't be the only one to have the need to escape the confines of the building. And when he saw who the figure was, he didn't mind having the company.

Oh (Y/f/n) (Y/l/n). Sam was sure that he had never seen a more beautiful woman in his life. Even the statues in the museums, of the ancient goddesses, paled in comparison to the exquisite features of (Y/f/n) (Y/l/n). No painting. No sculpture. No work of art created by even the greatest of the masters, could compete with the woman that was currently sat on the wall. Her eyes firmly fixed on the flickering lights of the great metropolis that lay miles and miles away. And not only was Sam sure that she was the most beautiful thing that he had ever seen, but she was also an amazingly gifted mutant. A mutant that up until recently had been working with Professor Xavier's X-Men. And only due to a little wrangling from Fury, had found herself amongst the ranks of the Avengers. A move that (Y/n) seemed to be quite happy with, apart from the fact that she still missed a few of her old friends. Well, that was according to Natasha and Wanda anyway.

Sam and (Y/n) had spoken a few times, mostly in passing, or while they had been on missions. Sam strangely finding himself nervous around her. A situation he wasn't quite used to. The Falcon never feeling like that around any other woman that he had ever met. Yet every time he had managed to talk himself into going and saying something more to her, someone had got there before him. Whether it be one of the other girls just talking to (Y/n) in general. Wanda really seeming to be happy about having a mutant to share things with. Or one of the boys, in particular Stark or Pietro, trying out their latest moves on the newest member of the team.

Yet now, now in the dead of the night. With no one else to watch, or get in the way. Sam felt that he finally had the chance to really talk to (Y/n). To try and get to know her better. To ask if he could get to know her better. And hopefully, with no one else around, he could get over his nerves and say what he wanted to say to her. So, if he could just make his stubborn legs to make their way over to her, he might at least get to say, hello.


Sam slammed the side of his fist into his thigh, hoping that the force would be good enough to make the stubborn limb move. Though, as he continued to watch (Y/n), he wasn't sure that he actually wanted to disturb her. She looked quite perfect. A thin, short, light summer dress covering her form. The slight breeze moving the fabric that draped itself loosely around her body. The sight of the glow on her bare skin. The light shimmer of glistening sweat in the moonlight, doing wonderful things to Sam's insides. The Falcon happy that he had decided to wear his clothes rather than just wander up to the roof in his shorts. Knowing full well that if he hadn't, that this could be very awkward. And at least now, (Y/n) wouldn't be able see his body betray his feelings for her. The lust that coursed through his veins whenever she was close.

He knew that (Y/n) had had a boyfriend. One of the other mutants that she had left behind. But according to Wanda, that had been some time ago. The affair long since over. And as far as Sam was concerned, whoever he was, he was far from the kind of man that deserved to be with someone as special as (Y/n). And anyone that was willing to let her go so easily, wasn't the right man for her anyway.

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