The Tournament - Finals

Start from the beginning

Rim: "So, does that mean that Gobuta can freely utilize Ranga's power?"

"I guess so. Ranga must have handed over his sentience to Gobuta so that he can fight. Though, I'm not familiar with this kind of fusion. Usually, a fusion would mean souls combining to maximize the power of two people into one new person."

Rim: "But Gobuta is (really) weak compared to Ranga's power. Besides this is Gobuta we're talking about. He could fuck this up."

Shohei: "Ohohoo. This is Gobuta, my disciple we're talking about. He may not be the greatest physical specimen, but he has experience fighting magic-born more powerful than himself. If he can skillfully harness Ranga-san's power, he may unlock more of his potential than before."

Gobuta: "My turn now." Gobuta, to the eyes of anyone, seemed to have disappeared and-

Masayuki: "[Lighting's Flash]"


Masayuki: "Omae wa mou shindeiru."



"Argh... That light."

After some couple of seconds the light dimmed down and we- all of us saw Gobuta being plated onto the wall below us.

Soka: "Whoa! Gobuta isn't getting back up! Is he all right?"

Everyone: "...................."

Benimaru: "Seriously... I'm at a loss for words. That idiot..." He said, breaking the silence.

Shion: "That's Gobuta for you." She said, unable to hold in her laughter.

Shohei: "..." Veins can be seen throbbing in his forehead. No less, significant that he's angry.

Momoji: "Wow, so that's your disciple, Dad?" That comment only added fire to Shohei's anger.

Meanwhile the crowd: 

(Some random guy: "You can't hear images"

Me, an intellectual: )

My (unofficial) wife, however, was quivering with anger

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My (unofficial) wife, however, was quivering with anger. 

Milim: "Is- is this some kind of twisted joke? After looking all cool like that... How in the hell did he manage to turn something so cool into a disappointment!!!"

"Milim...Hon... I uh, I don't think you need to murder Gobuta for something like this. Gobu-"

Milim: "Now dear, I didn't think you would be defending Gobuta. Nothing will satisfy my anger until I get my hands on that twerp and discipline him."

Shohei: "I would have to agree with Milim-sama on this, Y/n-sama. It seems I have been too lenient on him for far too long. We should all be more stringent with him going forward."

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