Chapter 20: Marriage and going public

Start from the beginning

Joe: What?

Brad: Look, I get why you're nervous, but who decides if you deserve to date KDA?

Joe: The girls do...

Brad: So what does the public have to say about it? Absolutely nothing.

Joe: You're right...

Brad: Of course I am. Now go out there and make the floor shake

I nod and make my way backstage, when I heard Leblanc speaking, probably to address the crowd and set the stage for me.

Leblanc: Ladies and gentlemen, I thank you all for coming to this very special event. I am not going to talk much further so just give a massive applause for Deeps who is here to start the party off with a bang.

The crowd started cheering. I looked at the band and gave a nod for them to start playing. After a confused look as to why I wasn't on stage with them, they eventually started playing.

The song started and I took a deep breath in.

Joe: Now the tide is rising, and I'm staring at the wake
I get this feeling inside, and I think that it might be too late
There's nothing left to confide in, the only thing concrete is this weight
So I'm stuck here deciding how much more before I break
I can't get out, no one's around
To see me struggle for life, I'll stand alone and drown
Will I be found or just forgot about?
Yeah, yeah, you always pull me down

The fog machines kicked in and smoke started flowing into my legs as I prepared to jump high into the air

Joe:And now my heart is sinking like a stone
An ocean of its own
You said I'd never be alone
I guess I should've known

I jumped high into the air before flipping and propelling myself onto the stage below, the smoke still concealed me as I continued singing.

Joe: I guess I should've known I'd be here alone
On the bottom, alive, stuck in the undertow
I hold my throat as the water chokes
The silhouette of the sky I stare at from below

I absorbed the smoke, which now revealed my true identity to the world.

Joe: Feeling there's a lot that I just gotta say
Thought I had a shot, but you're caught in your ways
Always was your plot, planned to cross me like a knot
Rip my heart from its spot and toss it away
Feeling like a rock when I dropped in the waves
Keeping all my thoughts in a box, hid away
Floating on the top while I drop to the bottom
With the chains around me, locked to the block made of fate

My heart is sinking like a stone
An ocean of its own
You said I'd never be alone
I guess I should've known
Woah, woah, sinking like a stone
Woah, woah, in ocean of its own

I thought you understood, I thought you were here for good
I never thought you'd leave me here in a pool of my own blood
I thought you understood, I thought you were here for good
I never thought you'd leave me here in a pool of my own blood

I thought that you'd understand
You left me standing here reaching out my hand
I thought that you'd understand
I thought you'd understand, I thought you'd understand
Woah, woah, I'm still standing here reaching out my hand
Woah, woah, I thought you'd understand, I thought you'd understand

My heart is sinking like a stone
An ocean of its own
You said I'd never be alone
I guess I should've known
Woah, woah, sinking like a stone
Woah, woah, an ocean of its own

As the room got quiet I took in a deep breath and as I looked at the crowd I was greeted with applause from all sides, which brought a smile to my face. I gave a peace sign and walked off stage, where I saw the girls waiting with smiles on their faces.

Akali: Told you it'd be fine.

Joe: I feel so alive. I need to blow off some steam....

Seraphine: What do you mean?

I went to Ahri and planted a big kiss on her lips, which caught her off guard and the crowd gasped in shock.

???: Ahem.

I looked behind the girls and saw my grandfather standing there.

Swain: I see you're enjoying yourself.

Joe: What do you need gramps?

Swain: I was coming to see the lady you brought with you.....or should I say ladies?
Needless to say, I am disappointed. There are so many beautiful and strong noxian women out there and what do you bring with you? A voidling, a demon, two ionians and a zaunite rat.

Joe: Watch your tongue. My siblings might let you talk the way you want, but not me. I won't stand here and listen while you insult the girls I love.

Swain: What are you going to do about it?

Joe: We're leaving. Come on girls.

We turned around and as we walked away he spoke up again.

Swain: Don't you turn your back on me Joe. Do you hear me?!

I didn't answer and we left for the limo. The ride home, was quiet and I couldn't help, but wonder what the girls were thinking about.

Once we were at home the girls all left to their respective rooms, leaving me alone in the living room. I let out a sigh. As I tried to walk upstairs a beeping sound came from my wrist. I looked at the tracker on my right hand and the green light that was blinking.

I pressed the green button and I could hear Augustine's voice

Augustine: Joe, good to see that you picked up...

Joe: What do you need?

Augustine: We got a problem, a transport that carried three conduits crashed. The conduits managed to escape. We need you back in Piltover as soon as possible.

Joe: I should be there in a couple of days at most. Tell me about the conduits.

Augustine: Two betas and a prime, the betas you don't have to worry about, we got those covered together with the PPD, the prime on the other hand is all yours.

Joe: Okay? Any info on them?

Augustine: It's Eugene.

God damn it kid. What were you thinking?

I let out a sigh.

Joe: Alright I'll take care of it. Just send me his location once you find him.

Augustine: Understood. You're free to go.

I pressed the red button on the tracker and let out a groan.

Joe: Why can't anything go my way? Is that really so much to ask for?

I walked upstairs and as I passed Ahri's room, the door opened and I was yanked inside. Before I knew what happened, I was laying on my back on Ahri's bed with her straddling me while being completely naked. She was panting and her claws were digging into my chest.

Ahri: I need you~

She started licking and nibbling my neck.

Ahri: I'm so hot~ I need you to cool me down~

Then she gave me a very aggressive kiss before staring into my eyes. Her's seemed to almost glow in the dark.

Ahri: Make me scream~

This is going to be a long night....not that I'm against it...

Chapter 20 done. I'm back, sorry for the long wait. The reason why I haven't updated in so long is simple: I'm fed up with this app not working correctly. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, feedback is always appreciated and I'll see you in the next one. Prime out. PS: Thank you all for 12k reads, it means a lot to me. Bye.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2022 ⏰

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