Meet the main characters

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Joe 'Joseph' Jackson
Age: 19
Height: 1.63m (5ft 3in) (I actually wanted him to be only shorter than Evelynn, but then I remembered that Evelynn is the second shortest member of K/DA)

Looks: Short. Emerald green eyes. Brown hair that goes past his shoulders, but not far into his back and it's usually tied in a ponytail. Not too skinny, but not bulky either. Usually wears an oversized hoodie and black pants. Wears a chain around his right arm for combat. Has a scar that goes from his chest diagonally down to his waist from when he accidentally called Evelynn a 'dumb succubitch'.

Hobbies: Singing, cooking, graffiti, playing guitar, gaming

Likes: Food, Noodles, Ramen, music, video games, fighting, spicy food, his car, his motorcycle(Yes he has a car and motorcycle, but cant ride them in public because people would find out that he is Deeps)

Dislikes: Huge crowds(at first), Idiots, bullies, cheaters

Ability: He can absorb the abilities of people with elemental type abilities(people that can create a type of matter within their bodies and release it)(like Delsin from Infamous Second son)(although Joe doesn't know that. He thinks it's the ability to absorb smoke and then release it in different ways) after absorbing smoke Joe gained a healing factor(all wounds heal, but some leave scars) and some slightly enhanced strength as well as durability

Backstory: Originally thought to be powerless Joe was ignored by most people, with the exception of his best friend Seraphine or Sera for short and his family. It wasn't until his seventeenth birthday that he found out that he did indeed have abilities. As the escaped death row inmate Henry Daughtry held him hostage Joe absorbed the smoke from Henry's ability and accidentally overworked the organ in Henry's body that produced the smoke rendering him powerless.

(Explanation time. People with elemental type abilities have a special organ that generates a specific form of matter, in Henry's case smoke, but when that organ gets overused it can stop functioning properly which can lead to it not producing matter anymore kinda like how people with diabetes don't create enough/no insulin)

Due to Henry being an escaped convict and Joe acting in self defense he didn't get in trouble. He now knew he had an ability, but the damage was already done. After years of being ignored for being powerless he didn't know how to talk to new people so he remained alone. In his free time he was either playing guitar, singing, or spraying graffiti. He started posting his own songs on soundcloud under the name Deeps, which got attention from his producer and manager Taric. The only people that know about his music career are his family, Seraphine and Taric who is under contract to not reveal Joe's identity. He was an immediate hit in the music industry and the name Deeps spread like wildfire and made a good amount of money, which he mostly shares with his family and Seraphine. As he got accepted into Piltover Rift Academy a school for people with powers Joe only showed the minimum of his power in order to not gain attention. In his second year he is then forced into a team lead by four beautiful third years(guess who)(Damn...that must be the longest backstory for my own character that I ever made)

Joe's car

Joe's car

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