Chapter 1: Back to school

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Sunday, september 20th 2019 9:00am

It was an ordinary morning. I woke up like usual and headed to the kitchen where I saw my mother Lilith making breakfast.

Joe: Morning, mom.

I let out a long drawn out yawn, and my mother turned towards me and gave me a smile.

Lilith: Morning sweetie, are you all packed up for school?

Oh yeah. Today I head back to college since the new school year starts tomorrow. Great...

Joe: Yeah, got everything. Luckily most of my stuff is still in my dorm so I don't need to carry that damn amp through the entire campus like last year.

How no one saw me carrying a giant amp through the school is beyond me, but hey at least no one knows my secret.

Mom looked at me with a concerned look.

Lilith: Sweetie. I know you're not good with people, but you should really show the people who you are. They'll find out sooner or later, you can't keep it secret forever.

She's been trying to make me go public for the past year now.

Joe: Mom, I know you mean well, but how?
Should I just stand in the middle of campus and yell "Hey! I'm a music artist!"?

Lilith: Sweetie. How about you make some friends and in couple of weeks you tell them?

Joe: What do you mean "make friends"? I have friends.

She giggled a bit.

Lilith: You have one friend honey. Your siblings don't count.


Joe: Speaking of friends I gotta make sure to visit Sera sometime. Oh. By the way are Vero and Brad still here?

Veronica and Bradley are my older siblings although they aren't always around because they're both busy with work.

Lilith: No, they both left two hours ago. Veronica is heading to a photoshoot in Ionia and your brother has some business in Shurima. They wanted to say goodbye to you, but didn't want to wake you.

I knew I shouldn't have stayed up so late. So I just grabbed a smoke, lit it and in one pull used up the entire cigarette before dumping the ashes and filter into the ashtray. Mom just gave me a disapproving glare.

Lilith: Honey I know you can't get cancer, but do you have to smoke them in the house?

Although my h-factor prevents me from getting cancer or other diseases my mom disapproves of me smoking and dad would probably kill me if he found out. Not because I smoke, but because I would be a "bad influence" on my younger siblings.

Joe: Sorry mom. Just had to top up the smoke reserves.

She just sighs.

Lilith: I know, your body not producing the main resource for your ability is a bit annoying though. What would you do if Emily or even young Sam would start smoking because of you.

Yeah, that would be bad seeing as I'm the only person in my family with an actual healing factor. While my family heals faster than a regular person they can't really re-grow limbs or prevent sickness.

Joe: I know mom, I'll be more careful.

Lilith: Before I forget. Fiora wants to talk to you when you're back on campus.

Principal Fiora is a good friend of my mom and that's probably the reason I got into PRA. Why would she want to see me though? I was snapped out of my thoughts by mom yelling.

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