Chapter 21

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Being tied up in this stranger's cabin was not how I planned my Saturday night, but the only reason I ended up in this situation was that Ivy and her new friend came here. I knew I wasn't seeing shit when I saw her after discovering Hazel's body, could she be the reason for my sister's death? I wasn't sure, but I did know Ivy was alive and well, and that realization hit me harder than my own sister's death. I was very much aware of how messed up that was, thinking Ivy was more important than having to bury my sister, but if Ivy knew something, anything, it could help ease my parents' minds. But how would I explain the fact that she was alive? It wasn't like I could walk up to my parents casually and tell them Ivy was alive and well and she was there the night Hazel died. It just didn't work like that. I might be sent off to a psych ward if I said that kind of crap to my parents. But seeing her alive made me more determined to get myself out of being held, hostage.

I honestly wasn't expecting the guy to overreact when I asked him a second time where Ivy was, that seemed to send him over the edge. Getting caught off guard, he tackled me to the floor, knocking the wind out of me, I was unable to defend myself, that's when his fist connected to my face, knocking me out. I woke up shortly after, mouth duct-taped and hands tied tightly around some object.

Sitting here now, I realized I'd been tied tightly to a wooden chair, duct tape covering my mouth. I tried to come up with a plan of setting myself free. If I rocked the chair just enough, maybe I could fall and break the legs, setting my legs free, that way I could run out the door and find some help, or I could find an object to rub my tied hands against and cut the rope free. It would be a challenge no doubt, but I had no other options—it was now or never.

I started off slowly, trying to gain balance by rocking the chair, putting my weight more on the back legs, hoping they would snap underneath me. Counting backward from five, I began the slow rock until I knew by reaching number two on the count down, it would speed up, then I could throw myself backward with just enough force to break. Once I reached one, I threw myself back, forcing my ass to bend the legs just enough to break, and sure as shit, it fucking worked. Both chair legs snapped, not only freeing my legs and ripping through the rope but splitting the seat in half, breaking off from the top part of the chair, and freeing my ass. I rolled sideways, using my knees to push myself up, my upper half still tied to the back of the chair as I made my way throughout the cabin, searching for a sharp object to rub up against.

I started in the kitchen, desperately hoping someone left a knife out, it would be tough, but if I positioned myself just right, maybe I could pick it up with my fingers and gradually cut the rope. Finding nothing on the counters, I noticed a few drawers attached to the counter, lining up my hands with the knob on the drawer, I backed up to grasp it, pulling it with me as I walked forward.

Luck must've been on my side today, the first drawer I opened had all the silverware inside, organized from left to right.


Not wanting to waste another second, I backed up, fingers outstretched as much as I could get them, and tried to grab the knife. Unsuccessfully pushing the drawer almost back into place, I sighed heavily in frustration behind the piece of duct tape covering my mouth, and started back from the beginning, only this time coming from the side. The knives were on the far right inside of the silverware divider, so this angle should be easy for me to pick one up. Attempting another go, I got myself in position and backed up against the open drawer, bending my knees just enough to feel the cold knife brush against my fingertips. Another inch lower, and I could easily snatch the handle of the knife. I bent my knees closer to the floor, my long fingers finally grasping the knife, pulling it out from the divider.

Now the hard part; cutting the rope.

I stood straight, taking a deep breath through my nose, and placed the knife on the counter. If I'm going to cut the rope, I have to turn the knife upside down.

Grabbing the knife once again, this time upside down so the sharp edges pricked my fingers, I began to move the utensil up and down in small motions, just enough to hear a slight break in the rope. I repeated this action as long as I could, hoping my strength didn't give out, I cut further in the rope, feeling it loosen its hold on my wrists until there was nothing left holding me hostage.

Breaking free, I tossed the rope to the ground and ripped, painfully, the duct tape off my mouth. "Fuck!" The burn spread over my lips and made my lips bleed a little bit.

Licking the blood away and running my hands through my messy hair, I now was free of the bondage the douchebag had created. So where did I go from here? How the heck did I find Ivy?

I could backtrack and start from the beginning, maybe there was another place on this plot of land she was staying on because she definitely wasn't here. I didn't want to run into that lunatic either, would it be best to leave? Try again another day? I'd already wasted so much time before, and I refused to waste anymore. There had to be some other place she was staying at.

No use standing here alone and weighing all my options, the crazy guy could come back and finish me off, I exited the cabin, only to find the air outside consumed by smoke. The smell was brutal, to the point where I felt I might end up dry heaving or passing out from the fumes. Where is that coming from? It was hard to tell, the smoke had taken the look of fog, covering all the ground, masking anything that might be in front of me. Even the night sky was blanketed by it, and that frightened me. Was the forest on fire? Should I run out of here? What if I ran into the flames? Was it safer to stay here? My options were limited, and the idea of being trapped here by uncontrollable smoke was worse than being tied down to a chair. Either way, I was completely screwed.

Retreating back inside, my next best option was to find a phone, maybe if I located one, I could call for help. Someone would see my car at the end of the trail and might be smart enough to follow from there, leading to the cabin, and rescue me. My hopes were high, but my luck was slim.

Looking around inside, not a single outlet had a phone attached to it. Who would live out here without communication with the outside world? I couldn't go two seconds without my phone, let alone one without texting someone. Getting more frustrated and somewhat panicky, I began my search in all the rooms, starting with the basement.

Beds and weird posters covered the wall, but not a single outlet had a phone plugged in, I even ripped the beds apart to see if one was hiding, and nothing. I was close to pulling my hair out of my head or screaming if I didn't find one soon. Running back upstairs, I noticed a door hidden in the corner behind the basement. Wondering what was inside there, I barely took a step forward when the front door slammed open, freezing me in place.


Her voice penetrated my heart, leaving me gasping for air. I whipped around and saw those emerald eyes piercing into my soul. I had found her. My light, my home, my everything, I finally found her.


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