Chapter 15

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Ivy began to peacefully sleep in my arms, probably the second-best thing that has happened so far. When vampires sleep, their bodies turn into a statuesque form, making them appear to be dead, but in reality, it's how they recharge, almost like a battery. Blood does fuel their engines, but it's the sleep that keeps them strong. As much as I would like to stay here forever with her, cuddled up, I needed to head back to the mansion for another dhampir meeting. Probably to get my ass chewed out, but well worth it for Ivy.

What we'd just experienced together, did not compare to others. My body felt on fire with every touch and kiss we shared, and I was surprised it didn't cause an explosion. Ivy forever had my heart, even before our intimate moment; it was as if we were two puzzle pieces that connected seamlessly. Nothing forced or unnatural, it just felt right. I wished this could last forever, but the world didn't work like that for our kind, and there was always something amiss with us.

I untangled myself from her hold, trying not to wake her, and got dressed, taking the towel through my wet hair one more time to soak up most of the water. Choosing to run instead of taking the truck and risk waking Ivy, I exited the cabin and ran across the lawn into the woods.

I hadn't run in forever, and the feeling was incredible, almost like riding a bike—you never forget how to do it. The ground was still wet from the heavy downpour, everything smelled rich and alive.

Our talk last night had lifted a huge weight off my shoulders, but I still felt shackled to the floor. The one minor detail I'd left out was that I knew Theodore planned to kill Ivy. I wasn't ready to let her know and hate me again. When we spoke the first time at the coffee shop, that's when everything changed, and going through with that evil act would've ripped me apart. If feelings hadn't sprouted like flowers inside my heart, she would've been dead by my own hands. The thought made me sick to my stomach as I pushed forward, running faster than before.

Maybe with time, I could find the courage to reveal that little sliver of truth, but even then, would it be worth having her hate me all over again? I did not want to go backward on the progress we'd made, especially since we'd come so far in such a short amount of time.

Jumping over the last fallen tree trunk, I ran toward the front entrance, right through the foyer, and into the dhampir rec room. Tyler and Justin were on the couch, they'd set up a flat-screen and a PS4 system, both shouting at some shooting game, completely unaware of my presence.

"Dude, you fucking suck," said Tyler.

"Dude, you can't even hit your marks," replied Justin.

"Sup, guys," I said over their banter.

"Hey," they said at the same time, eyes still glued to their game.

Just then, Gypsy came bouncing through the door like a bunny, hopping over in our direction.

"Why are you so cheery?" I asked.

"Oh, nothing," she said, waving me away.

I eyed her as she stuck her tongue out at me. "Don't ruin my good mood, Jackson."

I held up my hands in defense. "Sorry, don't let me impose."


Eventually, everyone gathered around, even Trent and Rebecca who were hand in hand walking through the door. The sight had me cackling, and yet they made such a great pair, both crazy; completely made for each other. But if Trent ever laid a hand on Ivy again, I wouldn't hesitate to strike.

As we all waited around and watched the twins battle it out on the gaming system, Rebecca began to snicker loudly in her corner. Trent had been whispering in her ear, gripping her waist like a heathen.

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