Chapter 13

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"Hey," he said.

"Hey," I said back, taking his hand as he helped me up off the ground. Adjusting my dress and hair, I tried to wipe the reminding blood off my face with the back of my hands.

Jackson stood tall in his black suit that complimented his physique so well that I couldn't stop staring, surprised I wasn't drooling. His eyes looked a little tired, and some dark shadows had lingered. I could only imagine what his week of starvation was like and shuddered at the thought. Constant security monitored his cell, and I thought of a hundred different ways to help him escape, but every plan came up short when it was one against a dozen. I was pretty sure I could take some on, but I knew eventually someone would catch me off guard, and the end result was not worth the hassle. But here he stood, handsome as ever, and my dead heart would've been pounding erratically against my ribcage just at the sight of him. The more I let these feelings inside, the more I realized my attraction for him had never gone away and

"You're a mess, Ivy," he said.

"You don't look too good yourself," I teased. Jackson smiled, brushing some of my hair away from my face.

Noella had finally appeared, whisking to our side with Sebastian not too far behind.

One look at her and I knew she had a thousand questions, but she kept her mouth shut, aware others could hear.

Artemis glared at Jackson, clenching his glass in his paper-thin hand. Shakrina eyed Jackson curiously, watching his every move. Jealousy pinched my insides, but he seemed to have only eyes for me.

Suddenly, Shakrina appeared next to us, Tumo and Davu not too far behind, extending her hand to Jackson. "Hello, Jackson," she said, a slight accent touching every syllable that escaped her full lips.

"Shakrina," he said, taking her hand and kissing the top of it.

My jealousy went up another notch as I tried to keep my cool. Shakrina's confidence and beauty were intimidating, and I was trying my best to come off unbothered.

"Shakrina, have you met Ivy yet?" asked Jackson, freeing her hand.

"That is one of the reasons why I came over. I wanted to introduce myself formally. I am Shakrina, leader of the Gees Council," she said, extending her hand to me.

I grasped it and gave it a small shake, completely thrown off by her kindness. Then I remembered the blood all over my face and neck and felt even more insecure.

"Tumo and Davu." She pointed to the gentlemen behind her, both nodding at me.

"Hi," I waved sheepishly. Why the heck did I wave like a five-year-old on her first day in Kindergarten? I mentally slapped myself for acting in an embarrassing manner.

Jackson gave me back his full attention, grazing my cheek with his rough hand. I leaned into his touch naturally, feeling a sense of security. Since I'd discovered Trent's truth and his wicked ways, my feelings for him had evaporated, and it had become inevitable what I felt for Jackson had expanded. And for the first time, I knew he bestowed the same.

Our little bubble burst when Artimis joined us, the anger rolling off his body like waves, ruining the tender moment.

"Well, well, well, the rebel dhampir finally makes his presence known," said Calypso. He also had a slight accent, and his comment the first words I'd heard from him since the event started.

"Hey, how's it going?" Jackson extended his hand to Calypso, and they exchanged a firm handshake.

He seemed to know everyone, regardless of rank, and they adored him.

Shattered (Book 2)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें