Chapter 4

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The trail broadened as Noella took me further inside the forest. Sap dripped lazily from nearby maples, and little animals stirred around, getting ready for bed. I peered around, the moonshine lit up every leaf and branch, creating shadows, dancing all around us. Noella's violet hair sparkled whenever the moon caught it, like her soft, pale skin. Everything became overwhelming in the best way. Perhaps I could do this. I inhaled the brisk night in reverence with how everything seemed so tranquil and beautiful. Every feature was lasered in my sights and, with this newly enhanced part of me, provided me a better appreciation for the world around me.

All my brand-new and improved abilities gave me a sense of hope, a hope that I could figure out what the Imperium council was hiding. Whatever they're burying, I hoped to discover it soon, I wanted to beat them at their own twisted game, even though I still had no idea what their plans were.

Since my transformation, my memories had begun to flutter back to me when I started to walk the trail with Noella. I refrained from telling her, not a hundred percent convinced in trusting her, but maybe over time, I could bestow my secrets. For now, my lips remained sealed.

I recognized then the only difference was me. I possessed new strengths, and it made me more determined than ever to get back into unraveling the mystery of the dead girls in the basement and why I have a grandfather named Kasper Lane inside the lost vampire racebook. The only obstacle was the council accepting my new status and hopefully avoiding the exile train before I had the likelihood to solve anything. What puzzled me was the fact that I appeared to be the only one who could have these "flashbacks" of my past self. Was it possible they were trying to tell me something? Why me and not the others? What was so unique about me?

The quietness stretched between Noella and me as we maneuvered our way through the thickly settled forest. I was grateful for it; it gave me some time to recollect myself and made me almost forget about my raging hunger.


Lost in my thoughts, I chose to shift through my never-ending list of tasks and reflect on Trent and Jackson. Terrible idea, but I knew, sooner or later, I would need to choose between the two. It was obvious Jackson and Trent wanted to assassinate each other, and I was conscious that part of this was because of me. However, I considered some other hidden dispute between the pair, and I just happened to add more to their agitation.

Would it be best to not engage?

Did I honestly need either of them?

Jackson made me feel safe but perplexed and exasperated, all swirled into one. Trent made me feel exceptional about his affections toward me, but was he doing that because of Jackson?

I understood one thing for sure; I couldn't trust either of them.

Trent's sudden attention toward me could have something to do with getting a rise out of Jackson. Half the time, I couldn't understand if he actually liked, tolerated, or straight-up hated me. Everyone inside that place appeared to have more hidden agendas.

I really shouldn't be putting energy into either one. Not when there were so many other mysteries going on with the Imperium Council to uncover. Men should be the last thing on my mind, for now. Eventually, I would have to make a choice, or I could not make one, I could choose the path of being an independent woman and deny both men, but would I have the strength to? I felt something for both, regardless of how twisted the situation was, my head said one thing, and my dead heart ached for another. I'd only be kidding myself if I denied them both, because, in reality, I knew I would end up with one, but who? Did it matter as long as I was happy? Could I overlook their mistakes?

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