"Promise me you won't get killed" Delevio said with a smile.

Keyen laughed, "Yeah... Sure..."

"Come on we're on his security detail" Delevio said.

The two got into one of the Range Rovers in the front and closed the door. Delevio noticed Waterlily in one of the guard cars in the rear.

"Where's Tetrahyde?" Delevio asked.

"Looking for Rico I bet... She left earlier this morning" Keyen responded.

"Hmph, that crazy-" Delevio responded.



Rico and Alexa were waiting for the train to Tokyo at the station on the Keikyu platforms. It was morning rush hour and it was crowded. They were on their way into the city to see a contact of Alexa's so they could try and find out where Luke was.

"Are you sure this guy seems legit" Rico asked.

"I've been working with him for 5 years, he's legit enough for me" Alexa responded.

"Alright, I hope you're right"

"Trains coming... We're getting off at Sengakuji" Alexa said as she watched white and black Toei train arrive at the station.

 We're getting off at Sengakuji" Alexa said as she watched white and black Toei train arrive at the station

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Little did the two know however, that Tetrahyde and two other CIA agents were trailing them.

"Remember, we don't want them catching onto us" Tetrahyde said on her earpeice.

"Yes ma'am" One of the agents responded.

Rico looked out the window as the train sped through stations, "How quickly can we get there"

"No need to rush, we'll get there-" Alexa said, looking down at her phone.

"Yeah I know... I just got the feeling we're being followed" Rico said looking around the train carriage.

"Man... Are you always this paranoid" Alexa asked, the Zoroark looked up from her phone at the Lucario.

"Not usually... But I can feel something is off" Rico said, still looking around the carriage.

"Yeah, it's a crowded train... During morning rush hour. We're probably not being followed and if we were then I'd probably keep my guard up" Alexa said, she closed her eyes and put one of her headphones in her ears.

Tetrahyde opened the door leading into the train car and slowly inched her way to Rico through the crowd on the train she took a Glock from her belt and jabbed it into his waist, the Lucario immediately turned around.

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... If you even say a word I'll pull the trigger" Tamara said.

"Pretty bold of you to press a pistol on my side in a packed train" Rico said.

Agent London Flareon Volume 3 🇬🇧🇯🇵🇸🇪🇫🇷🇮🇪🇩🇪Where stories live. Discover now