(Inter-Chapter) - Money

Start from the beginning

Rim: "Oh, no, um, this is a problem we should handle ourselves..."

Elmesia: "Is it? Were you not just spewing a moment ago that you lacked money? I was only offering our support in light of the friendly relations our two countries will share going forward."

"I don't see why *glances*... We can handle this ourselves."

Gazel: "Give it up. Once that woman speaks her mind, she won't relent until she's had her way. You are far better off accepting her offer. Trust me on this."

Elmesia: "Ara, ara, Gazzie. You are taking my side? How rare!" 

'Given that "Gazzie" nickname, I understand what their relationship is like...'

Gazel: "Would you mind not calling me that."

Elmesia: "Oh, you're always so formal! Your grandfather was much more freewheeling than that, you know."

Gazel: "Would you mind getting down to business?" 

I could imagine Gazel picturing him like an annoying aunt showing up at every family event just to bug you. No wonder he found her to be trouble. 

Elmesia: "Ara, ara, so hasty. Were you always so impatient like that, hmm?" 

 Gazel and Erald exchanged glances and simultaneously sighed. Those two acted like they disliked each other, but they were in total sync here. In terms of Elmesia treating them both like children, they shared a lot in common.

Gazel: "Right, then. Our time is valuable. We can't afford to consume it with your urges. All right?". He said, trying to move Elmesia's teasing from him and to get back at business.

Elmesia: "Ah, yes. In exchange for providing my support, I have one condition. Whenever you organize a festival as grand as this, I want you to invite me. If you fulfill this condition going forward, I would be happy to help with your monetary exchange. Because, goodness me, why would you ever stage such a wondrous event and not let me know about it?" 

Rim and I: 

"I-is that really all we have to do

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"I-is that really all we have to do...?"

Rim: "That seems sus. But we'll accept it."

"Royalty aren't the slaves of the people, you know. If they can live freely, that makes their citizens happy as well—as it does me. I think it could help bring joy to everyone!". Elmesia smiled, ecstatically.

Rim: "There is truth to that. It's reassuring to see people on my side...and I look forward to it staying that way." 

Elmesia then promptly took out what I could describe as her [Inventory] based on other gaming system/isekai mangas.

Elmesia: "This is just my pocket money in here, so I only have around a thousand gold coins at the moment. If you need more, I can arrange for that, but..."

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