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3rd Person POV

In pure white room with multiple seats stood a young man with a brown hair and beard with some red in the mix. He was of average wearing white robes while staff in his hand exploded with purple light.

"Transfer GROUP 1 to room number 7"

Pillars of purple light shoot out from the sky each one landing on different seat. Seconds later light vanished living multiple confused people, all of them started looking around in panic and few shouted in fear. Before things could escalate figure in white spoke.


In an instant everything became quiet, some tried to speak but their mounts no longer obeyed them. It was like they no longer had control of they own body.

"Good, now let me explain why are you here. Simply put you are here because I want you to see a few things but rest assured I won't harm anyone unless they don't follow basic etiquette like disturbing the show. Am I clear?"

You could see most people nodding their heads while some were glaring at the figure.

"As to why you should listen to me... none of you can stop me so resisting is pointless. I won't sugar-coat my words so be prepared for some harsh truths. Now to what I will show you... in simple terms secrets, some funny interactions, fun facts, future and some more. You may not believe me but seriously things like flying city and teleportation gates exist, not to mention that one person here can literally see future one other can stop time so it isn't that farfetched."

Mysterious man snapped his fingers and ability to speak returned to everyone, they couldn't move tho.

"LET US OUT THIS INSTANT YOU INSOLENT BRAT, WE ARE ROYALTY AND WE DEMAND RESPECT" King Greysunder shouted while his saliva flied everywhere. In an instant he was teleported right before dressed in robes figure while everyone else lose ability to speak again.

Blaine was thanking gods that he was too scared to disrespect that man or he would be in Darv's King place right now.

Figure grabbed kings' hair lifting him so their eyes meet.

"How fucking dumb are you? Don't even answer, everything considered you are probably one of the most pathetic people here. Now let me ask you another question, Will you shout the fuck up and let me do my job or do you want me to end your miserable existence this instant? You don't have much time either way so your choice."

"I will listen just don't kill me!! I will give you everything you want just name it!!"

Figure proceeded to yeet him to his seat.

"Anyone don't understand my simple request or are we on the same note?" Series on nods followed

"Good now I will give you time to talk to yourself but remember no fighting is allowed. I still need summon a few people from the future and explain to them everything before you all can start reacting together. In the meantime, enjoy first meme. They are just pictures with funny texts." Said figure while vanishing. 

Room 5

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Room 5

Young man repeated the same process as before and from beams of purple light emerged three people.

"Hello, X here." Man waved his hand while his visitors dropped to their fighting stances with weapons ready.

"Who are you?" Grey asked narrowing his eyes at the figure.

"There is no need for hostility, I have a rather interesting offer for you all."

"And that is?" Asked horned beauty.

"I have a different offer for each of you, but let's start with what I want, which is quite simple. I want you three to react with a group of people to certain things. There's a small catch, people will be reacting with are from the past, so I want you to don't mention things related to the future until I say otherwise."

"Even if we were to believe in what you said is true, what could you possibly offer us?" Asked Grey.

"Starting with our majestic wolf, I will grand him absolute control of his rune. Sounds good right?"

"I can think of better things, but someone need to protect this 'princes' here." He said grinning at Grey while purple flame manifested around him.


X snapped his fingers and flames vanished.

"As amusing as it is to watch I still need to make two dills so no flames for now. Also, no violence will be tolerated in reaction room did I make myself clear?"

"For this badass power I can restrain myself for some time"

"Now to Lady Caera, some things you will be reacting to have information about Grey. I don't think that anything else is necessary to convince you am I right?"

"Hold on, who let you show anything related to me? And who exactly are you anyway?" Grey outburst wasn't that surprising considering how many secrets he has.

"How about this. I don't really need your permission but I have proposition. I will............... awaken Sylvie from coma. Do I have your permission now."

In that moment beautiful rainbow egg shot out from Grey's storage rune and transformed into girl with wheat coloured hair and black horns.

"S-S-Sylvie?" Grey voice was weak and tears began to build up in the corners of his eyes. X hit the ground with his staff and Grey, Sylvie and Regis were teleported away.

"It will be better if we leave them alone for some time. I will check on Grey later, so do you accept my deal or not?"

"I accept." Caera stated still not fully understanding what happened before her eyes.

A/N: Next chapter is reaction, I will skip explaining details to everyone because I'm lazy. 

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