Quadraelemantal part 1

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A/N I make some changes in prologue

3rd person POV:

At first everyone was to confused to speak but after some time atmosphere change and everyone start talking. Arthur introduced Twin Horns to his friends. Some people were surprised how old royal family of Elenoir was acting. Virion, Cynthia and Adam are teassing Art and Tess which was jealous after Angela hug Art like usual. Alduin and Merial were laughing with girls from Twin Horns, Leywin and Helstia families. What surprised Blaine and Priscilla was how energetic Kathlyn was while talking with Arthur. Elijah, SC (Student council) and DC (Disciplinary comity) are just talking with each other and having fun explore big theatre only Clive is unhappy seeing Tess so close with Artur. Eleanor is patting Sylvie while rest of the adults just talk with each other about some stuff.

X: "Ok, your brake is over. Return to your seats."

Everyone do what X said

"Now let's start the show"

Then screen appear at the scene.

"Some of you probably know which person we will be watching. Am I right?"

"It is rather obvious that you are talking about this brat" Say Virion while smirking and looking in direction of Arthur.

Everyone who know about his abilities nod in agreement.
Some people were confused but don't ask anything knowing that they will learn truth when screening will begin.

"So, to the first scene "First meeting with director Goodsky". No talking while video is going."

3rd person POV:

"Nice to finally meet you, Arthur," She said holding her hand out

"Err... Nice to meet you to, Director."

'How can this brat talk to Director with such disrespect' Thought Clive.

'Typical Arthur' Thought Elijah.

'I am not even surprised' Thought Tess

'Young Papa? My Papa is better than this fake Papa' Say Sylvie to Arthur don't knowing what she is watching

'It is me Sylvie but when I was 8 years old. You should be able to see your younger version too'

'Really I can see myself when I was younger?' Ask excited Sylvie

'So, we are watching the boy I meet at Helstea Auction Hause? X say that person he will show can change the whole continent and apparently, he was talking about him. If I remember correctly, he was really angry when Sebastian wants to take his bond. Good that my children seem to be getting along with him.' Though Blaine

The Director seemed a little taken aback by his action.

"Arthur! You're being rude! I'm so sorry for my son, Director Goodsky. He just returned home and is ignorant about formal customs." Alice Leywin pushed his head down with her hand while bowing herself, getting on one knee.

"Kukuku, no it is quite all right. No offense taken at all. And please, Arthur, call me Cynthia" She let out a polite laugh with her free hand covering her mouth.

"I'm sorry to intrude on you at such a late time but unfortunately, the only free time I could make was after my meeting tonight. I hope you don't mind," she explained, looking at my parents.

"Nonono, we're thankful that you'd be willing to take time out just to visit our son." Speak Reynolds.

Director Cynthia nodded at this. "True, it isn't very often that I take a house trip to visit a potential student. Otherwise, even with a hundred bodies, I wouldn't be able to fit the time. However, Vincent is a good friend and has contributed greatly to Xyrus Academy. So, when he had excitedly come up to me about a prodigy that is living in his home, I couldn't help but get excited as well. I must say that my curiosity got the best of me. Do you mind leading me to an open space so I can see a demonstration?" she continued on, her gaze fixed at Arthur in an assessing manner.

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