Chapter 21: Blood, Tears, and Unyielding Hope

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Heian Master's POV

Well, well, well, looks like the plan's cooking just right. I mean, look at those soldiers, running around like headless chickens. They're clueless, bless 'em. They don't know squat about the secret tree network tucked away underground. That's VIP access only - for the top dog of the Heians, the ruler of Ziyou. Me.

There's this waterfall, right? Picture perfect. But it's got a secret as deep as the ocean. Only a real-life hero can crack that nut. Sheira Zane, the clock's ticking. It's high time we put a full stop to this story. You and your so-called army don't stand a snowball's chance in a sauna against the big boss of Ziyou. My little furballs are all set to take out your buddies, and your soul is mine.

Could I have prepped better? Maybe. I could probably do with a few more pups for the sneak attack. They'll freak when the penny drops. You won't grow wings to fly away then. Right now, we need to play the surprise card. I'll set them up against my pups at the den and sneak a couple right under the kingdom. And when they're busy patting themselves on the back, that's when we spring the trap.

They'll need a fair bit of time to take on my pups, which gives us plenty of time to get our ducks in a row. Or maybe, just maybe, they'll get totally wiped out by my adorable little furballs. That would be a bit of a snooze-fest, but hey, I can live with that. I mean, ruling the world is sure to be a hoot. Yuri's not on their team, and Eamon and Sheira are kind of a pain, but I've got a little something up my sleeve for them. A gift I've had on the back burner for a while. Sheira's gonna eat it up and remember this for a long time, hehe. Alright, enough chit-chat. I'm off to see my pups' cute little mugs.


Sheira's POV

It was like a rainstorm, but instead of water, it was blood. And mixed with the blood were my tears. The saline taste of his blood was in my mouth. I held the guy's severed head by his hair, I looked at it without any feelings of regret at all as I threw his head onto the ground which was filled with mud mixed with his own blood, and left it there.

I cast my eyes over the battlefield, a place where our very bones seemed to be under siege from the relentless enemy assault. Mercury-red blood drizzled to the ground as our soldiers were whimpering in pain with a vile smell rose up from the ground. Our hands, numbed by the cold, clung desperately to our steel weapons. Our hearts pounded within us, a deafening drumbeat of fear that prickled at the back of our necks.

Even though the once vivid red stain had faded to a dull brown, the sorrow we carried was inescapable. Standing beside me were the few comrades who had made it through the chaos. The sight of our fallen friends was a harsh reminder of the pain of loss, a pain I knew all too well from losing my own friends and family. In our quest for victory, we had paid a steep price...

The battlefield was a grim tableau of blood and lifeless bodies. It was a sight too heartbreaking to bear. All I felt was a profound sadness, nothing more. It was a moment to honor those who had given their lives. I thanked them for their unwavering commitment and their courage in the face of our greatest adversary. Because of their sacrifice, our kingdom remained secure, and I hoped for peace to reign in every nook and cranny of our land.

Blood poured relentlessly from the soldier's side. She tried to staunch the flow with her hand, but despite her efforts, the blood continued to seep through her fingers.

I called out, "We need to stop the bleeding!"

The medic, responding to my urgency, acknowledged, "On it, Mam!"

Carefully, he positioned a clean bandage over the soldier's injury, pressing down firmly with his palm to manage the bleeding. As long as he maintained this pressure, I'm sure the situation would stabilize. It was my primary concern at this moment.

As the medic maintained pressure on the soldier's wound, I quickly surveyed the area, my eyes scanning for any immediate threats. The battlefield was eerily quiet now, the clash of steel and cries of pain replaced with an unsettling silence.

With the immediate danger seemingly over, I turned my attention back to the injured soldier. The medic had managed to slow the bleeding.

"We will get her back to a better place for resting," as they started to move, I couldn't help but glance back at the battlefield one last time. The sight of the blood-soaked earth was a stark reminder of the cost of war. With a heavy heart, I turned away.

Eamon was standing at a distance, his gaze fixed on the radiant sun suspended in the sky, a stark contrast to the grim scene of battle below. It was a melancholy moment, to say the least.

I moved closer to Eamon, my footsteps a soft echo in the silence. Reaching out, I gently tapped his shoulder and offered him a reassuring smile, "We made it through."

His face lit up with a broad smile, but it couldn't mask the sadness in his eyes. He drove his sword into the blood-stained earth, a silent testament to the battle we'd just survived.

His arm extended towards me, his hand gently brushing my blood-smeared hair. His voice was soft as he said, "You're safe. That's all that matters."

Before I knew it, I found myself leaning into him, my arms wrapping tightly around him. It was a comforting embrace after the harsh battle, a shared warmth that seemed to chase away the chill of war. I could hear his heartbeat, a once frantic drumbeat now slowing to a soothing rhythm that calmed my frayed nerves.

After our moment of shared relief and comfort, Eamon and I slowly pulled away from the embrace. We both knew there was still much to be done. The battlefield needed to be cleared, the wounded tended to, and the fallen honored.

Eamon's gaze drifted back to his sword, still embedded in the earth. He reached down and pulled it free, the blade gleaming oddly in the sun. He gave it a long look before sheathing it, a silent promise that it would only be unsheathed again if absolutely necessary.

We turned back towards the meeting point, our hearts heavy but our spirits unbroken. As we walked, I could feel the warmth of Eamon's presence beside me, a comforting constant in the aftermath of chaos.

As the day wore on, we worked side by side, tending to our responsibilities. The sun eventually dipped below the horizon, its departure marking the end of one of the longest days of our lives. But we had survived, and as we sat around the flickering campfire that night, there was a shared sense of hope. We had faced the worst and come out the other side. We were battered, yes, but not broken.

And as I looked around at the faces illuminated by the firelight, Eamon's included, I knew we would face whatever came next with the same resilience and determination. After all, we were survivors.

Eamon's POV

It's a pity you can't see her. Your daughter is awesome.

To be continued...

To be continued

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