Chapter 16: Alone

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"I will protect her, I promise."

Sheira's POV

Yuri... My mind echoed his name, a wave of memories flooding in. Today... I had lost my... dad.


"Sheira, it's quite bitter. Are you sure you want to try it?" Yuri held out a cup of a dark brown liquid to me. He had this every morning but never offered it to me before. What was it? As I took a sip, the taste shocked my taste buds and I dropped the cup in surprise.

"Sheira, be careful! Even a small cup like this can cause harm," he cautioned, quickly checking me over for any injuries. "You're okay," he reassured me with a smile. "Still want some more?" he asked. "No!" I exclaimed, jumping up from my seat to rinse my mouth with water.


Time seemed to slow down as I watched the horrifying scene unfold. My dad was being eaten alive. The Heian swallowed him whole, not even bothering to chew.

In my shock, I lost focus on the battlefield around me. Suddenly, a figure dressed in black appeared, moving at an incredible speed towards the giant Heian. It took me a moment to recognize him. It was Eamon.

As I watched him, I noticed something unusual about his waist. It was wrapped in gauze, stained with blood. Had he been injured?


Eamon's POV

The figure exposed himself, "Long time no see, brother."

"It has been, Fenton," I replied.

"You have a girlfriend now, why don't you tell me that? I will accept her to be part of our family," Fenton teased.

undeterred, I answered, "It's not your business."

"How rude. Just like your father," he grinned.

I suddenly went motionless as I drew my sword and was ready to cut him and make it my home decoration with the label "scumbag" on it.

"Don't you dare say his name again. You're not worthy," I warned him.

"You haven't changed huh? Little rat," he replied.

Suddenly, he dashed toward me, aiming his sword directly into my chest. But I was quick on my feet, managing to parry his attack with my own sword just in time.

"Well, I expected that. It won't be easy to kill you," he taunted.

Luckily, I made the right decision, although I hurt her, at least she's safe for now. This piece of garbage is still as crazy as the last time we met

"What do you want?!"

"Kill you? Hehe," Fenton sneered.

"Are you still jealous? After all these years?" I questioned.

"I am not jealous, you thief. I am just upholding justice. I was supposed to be the head of the Levisay family, but you took it from me," he persisted, his sword slashing through the air towards me.

I managed to deflect and counter his attacks, our swords clashing in a deadly dance. But then, before I could react, his blade found its mark, piercing my side. I retaliated instantly, but he was ready, blocking my attack with ease.

"Haha," he smirked, "Maybe that's enough for now. Go fight those filthy dogs outside and don't ever come back. Just die there, it will help me finish my job without any extra effort. Bye."

With a final glance, he darted away, leaving me there alone with a small gift he left for me. I should go now, Sheira might be in trouble.

I promise you, she will be safe.

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