Chapter 7: Warriors of Ziyou

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Sheira's POV

"I am deeply thankful to each of you, my valiant warriors. The very existence of our kingdom relies on your bravery," The King said.

"We are honored to serve you, Your Majesty!"

"Long live our King!"

"May Ziyou prosper forever!"

The King, grinning, "My gratitude to you all."

Every great kingdom is led by a great King, and Ziyou is no exception. Our King is the best, always ready to fight alongside us, never showing signs of exhaustion. He is relentless in his resistance, and we, his soldiers, are just as determined. We will triumph one day.


The following day, a few of us were assigned to look into the incident from the previous day. The timing is strange, I must admit. Why now, when everyone's attention is on the Heian assault and this incident? Could there be a mastermind behind this? If so, who could it be?

Who would dare to stir trouble amidst such chaos? While everyone is focused on survival, this person seems to have a different agenda.

Could it be one of our own soldiers? But we're all vigilant. All soldiers are engaged in battling the Heians and guiding the citizens away from danger.

Who could it possibly be?

"Hey, daydreamer," Eamon's voice, sharp as a dagger through the mist, cut through my musings.

"Huh? Eamon?" My soul returned to my body.

"Quit your fantasy, we have work to do," his words woke me up.

I sighed. As expected. Within Eamon's gaze, I am nothing but just a "daydreamer".


"A week has just gone by but why haven't we uncovered any significant clues about the case?" I was frustrated.

Eamon gazed at me and said, "We need to keep probing. It's crucial to resolve this issue. The King believes in us, we need to give our all."

"You're right. Let's give it our best shot, Eamon!"

His silent agreement came in the subtle tilt of his head.


A year has gone by, and it feels like we've been chasing our tails. We've spent a year on this case, questioning the citizens, scouring homes and various locations within the kingdom. But we've come up empty!

Fortunately, no similar incidents have occurred since then. But there's always the possibility of a recurrence.

Since we haven't made any headway, the King has decided to drop the case and wanted us to concentrate on something more important for the future of humanity.

We will start an expedition tomorrow morning. It's been a while since we fought those creatures. But luckily we know their weaknesses.

"There will be a meeting. Squad B and Squad C are expected to gather in the meeting room." a soldier informed.

"Thanks for the information," I replied.

We gathered in the meeting room, waiting for the commander's orders. Humanity has fallen short in the past year, but we still have a light of hope. One day, we will bring peace to the kingdom, and end the war once and for all.

"Listen up soldiers! Tomorrow will be another expedition we will carry out," The commander started. "I want all of you to pay attention!"

The commander started to draw lines on the board, forming the anatomy of a Heian.

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