Final chapter-A little bit of kindness

Start from the beginning

"My clever, clever darling," Deucalion's voice was rough with sleep as he wrapped his arms tighter around Stiles' waist, tugging him against his chest and nosing into his throat hungrily.

"Clever?" Stiles asked, a little confused.

"I could feel you inspecting the bonds, I knew you were absolutely wonderful, but you're even more than I thought, more than I ever hoped. Such a clever boy," Deucalion praised, chuckling when he could actually feel Stiles blushing in his arms. "Only a few humans can feel Pack bonds, and fewer of them can actually manipulate and touch the bonds,"

"They feel amazing," Stiles sighed sinking back into his Alpha's arms.

"Don't they. They're how you know that you are never alone, you never will be again, you have us now," Deucalion rested his hand over Stiles' chest, right over his heart.

"I have a bond with Peter as well," Stiles bit his lip nervously.

"I am not surprised considering how he acted yesterday," Deucalion snorted.


"What is it?" Deucalion urged when Stiles went quiet, concern building in him when Stiles curled up a little more, the scent of nerves pouring off of him. "You never need to worry about asking me for something, I regret to say that I may not always be able to say yes for your safety or the Pack's, but I will always, always listen and talk things through with you,"

"Peter's bonds with the others are tattered, fragile, they treat him like shit, the monster kept on a leash to use when they don't want to bloody their own claws, but too dangerous to allow close," Stiles said softly.

He turned when Deucalion tugged at him, burrowing into the Alpha's chest nervously.

"Well then, it looks like we will be trying out how Peter will fit into our Pack, and if he does we will offer him a place," Deucalion hummed.

"Really?" Stiles asked hopefully lifting his head to look at Deucalion's handsome face.

"Peter Hale had an impressive reputation before the fire, a brilliant mind mixed with the ability to do what was needed to protect the Pack, and a loyalty to his Pack. Talia Hale treated him terribly, she was threatened by his power, and how clever he was even though he was only a teen, he deserved a lot better. She made him claim his blue eyes far too young, there was a good bit of rumbling in the community about it,"

"Really?" Stiles asked curiously.

"Yes, he was always going to be the left hand," Deucalion paused to check that Stiles knew what that was, not in an insulting way that Stiles was used to.

"I know what the left hand is," Stiles nodded snuggling closer still. Deucalion threw his leg over Stiles, surrounding him with his warmth and scent in a way that relaxed the tension that had built-in him.

"He was always going to be the left hand, but normally when a child or teenager emerges as the likely left hand, they are not put in a situation to claim their blue eyes until they are 17 earliest. Talia placed Peter in a situation where he was forced to claim them at 14. Everyone suspected that she had set the situation up and that she had done it because she hoped him claiming his eyes so young would make the Pack suspicious of him and less likely to follow him should he lead a coup,"

"And it worked. Derek clearly loved Peter before the fire, and I think Laura too from what I have heard, yet all the stories always show how suspicious they were of him, and the fact that they left him here alone and vulnerable while he was so injured..."

"Yes, she did a good job. And it got her daughter killed," Deucalion rubbed Stiles' back when he tensed in his arms. "The accusation is not at Peter darling, I can't imagine how it felt for him, walking and feeling all his Pack bonds gone, memories of the fire, being stuck alone in the hospital, an omega,"

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